Can Elektron please start selling MachineDrums again?

same here…
They should have never changed the Ctrl All and retrig paradigm after the Machinedrum…
I really tried to like Analog Rytm, Digitakt and MS stuff but absolutly no device comes close in its usage to the MD.
And being able to modulate the retrig via LFo on the MD is unbeatable.
A whole Ctrl All machine to squeeze the weirdest stuff out of the sound engine… Without a lot of preparation like on the Analog Rytm…
The MD is all about improvisation not preparation… I do like that a lot. More than on any other elektron machine… My MD is now more than 15 years old and I really hope it lasts a while… There is no alternative to it…


A new Monomachine, or model:synth, or DigiWave, would all be ‘maybes’ for me…

But a new MD would be a guaranteed purchase. Just as you said, there is no alternative. Such an inspiring piece of kit…


I really love both workflow and sound!

Mutes are a pain though, it’s easy to think you’re still in Mute mode while you’re basically erasing your pattern.
And I’d love a Direct jump mode like the Rytm has.
Talking about Rytm, saving Sounds would be great as well.
Apart from this, I wouldn’t change much to the original…


Who knows, maybe elektron will surprise us down the line with an anniversary remake of sorts, kinda like what happened this year with the SP1200.

But I dont think we will see MD / MNM permanently returning to heir lineup. The funerals of these two discontinued products still echo in my memories, it was quite publicly broadcasted by their PR unit

far more probable that elektron would add ctrlal and LFO-to-retrig to existing machines… but even for that I’m not getting my hopes up just yet.


I anticipate a descendent of sorts, not exact clones (E is better than that), but an evolution.

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I just want an MD MK III UW with a modern screen like OT mk2 and please, Elektron leave the rest as is…
Even the FX are ok and do well… No need for fancy schmancy…


This. And analog (or beefed up digital) distortion.


I’d pre-order. I’m tempted with a MD as my next purchase even though the Octatrack makes more sense for me. Something about the MD

Uli is probably reading this - matter of a few month…


OT and MD are different. Both do their job very well and are great for improvising and just playing…
I do not like the DT as it forces you to make a kit and you are stuck with that kit as the paradigm of DT does not make it easy to change the drumkit while playing
The MD on the other hand… Just start with a kit, press two buttons and the beat goes into a complete other direction as you changed the kit… If you play around with the sounds and want to keep that, again press two buttons choose a new empty slot, save, name, voila… done…
No other Machine is that easy… and I do not understand why Elektron turned away from that.


I would do happily that and buy this MD thing from behringer :slight_smile:

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Did you play with sending MIDI notes to the MD and setting TRIG to “START” in the Map Editor?

Edit to add: as @sezare56 points out below, this is like DIRECT START on the AR (not DIRECT JUMP).


Wow, have to dig this. Not sure I fully get it right now. Thank you dear :bowing_man:

For sure it’s really great to use it live, the best maybe, but it can be a different machine/sound processor with some preparation and some midi translation (use as synth/polysynth) :white_heart:

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Lately, I’ve found the knobby interface of the M/S to also be good for improvisation.

Enough that I’m working out of a single pattern for the tunes I make with it.
Thanks to pattern reload, temp save, ctrl all, and fills, I can do a lot with one pattern and overcome the frustration that comes with the lack of kit browser.

And since it has 576 sample slots in a project, it feels like I can actually work with less preparation and forethought than MDUW or Rytm, or even OT.
Especially when I am getting deeper and deeper into a project.

Yea, it isn’t the same as MD. Each Elektron has its own quirks. And it is paired down.
It doesn’t have everything I want, but it sure has everything I need.


These threads are tiresome. I have a solution for Elektron though! Announce that all current products are “discontinued” but just keep producing them. That way, when the “Will elektron please keep making ___________” threads show up, they can magically swoop in and say “Why yes, yes we can!” and we can all go on about our business.


How about a hybrid Machinedrum + Monomachine in one box? 8 tracks, freely assignable to any of the original machines from those units. 12 voice polyphony with the newer fx engines out of the Digitone / Digitakt and Analog Heat filters. All the newer sequencer features and an extra set of stereo outputs. $1250 price tag. One can dream…



Machinedrum was my first Elektron box, and will always be a personal favorite. Unfortunately I had to sell it to fund my Digitakt purchase, since I couldn’t afford to “just own both” as so many suggested. If I’m ever rich maybe I’ll be able to buy a used one again (probably for something like $1,500 by that point)


Very nice thing that makes me love MD since begening. I did that with MPC 2500 and produced lot of breakcore 10 years ago. Oh what a fun. Preparing my patterns and played them like slices. Lot o’ fun


Very low expectations of Elektron ever releasing an MD mk3, let alone MM or OT mk3, though if they don’t advance then it leaves an open space for another manufacturer to jump in, though I doubt Behringer could pull it off, or any other current company realistically. Maybe Korg if they adapted their Wavedrum and Oasys tech, or Clavia with the Nord Drum stuff.

FWIW, buying a second hand MD is a smart move… can’t see them becoming any less desirable in the future, as even if updated, I doubt it will sound the same or bring forward ALL the features it has. You have to like it’s particular audio quality though, which requires a bit of post processing imho. A bit fizzy and harsh in the top end is the only criticism I have of it.