Can Elektron please start selling MachineDrums again?

that’s what I really like about it in the demos :slight_smile:

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Fair enough. It cuts through the mix which can be an advantage, and its a recognisable character.
Guess for me its a bit of love/hate. More noticeable with the synthesis than if using samples.
I found an exciter can brighten and round which has helped on occasion.


I really doubt that a new machine drum or octatrack will come ever…this would be awesome in general but it would effect negatively Elektron (or any other company) business. Product deflation would pass the idea that the same product will be reissued with better specs and price forever delaying the average “buying time” among consumers.


A wise statement. I personally am afraid to buy elektron gear because of this exact reason. I want some sort of guarantee that a mkIV UWXL+ version won’t follow right after.

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yeah, in my opinion for this reason the mk2 habit would be left behind at some point


Elektron, while you are busy making monomachines and machinedrums again, could you make the mk2 AR and A4 but in the MK1 chassis, oh and do the MK2 OT but in Black, and with round buttons please? That would be splendid. Thank you :kissing_closed_eyes:


and please, make a kitchen machine for my pancakes with paramter locks.


Now you’re getting it!
Also, there’s a lot of empty space inside an octatrack, how about a side compartment that opens and you can keep snacks in there for after the show?


The thing I really miss on the MD is the modern Elektron sequencer. I’ve gotten too used to the world of conditional trigs and microtiming. If it had those I’d probably never want for another drum machine.


That is Direct Start, not Direct Jump as in AR/A4/AK. :wink:
Map Editor has a gate feature others don’t have.

Direct Jump should be possible with Song mode and Song Pointer Position (SPP). I could do it with OT. Theorically doable with all Elektrons having song mode (they all use SPP).

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I’m not interested in a MD MKIII. A new product with better drum synthesis, sequencer improvements, yes.


nope :slight_smile:12 bit rules
crunchy and full of sine waves and noise…

but I guess this is the problem with modern machines… you get 24 bit boredom but no character…


that was a bit harsh…
I am simply afraid that my MD won’t last forever and I am not too happy with DT, AR or MS…
They are fine but they are no MD… :frowning:

Definitely not what I prefer with MD. 12 bit more flat than crunchy. I prefer 16/24 bit with good Bit Reduction.

Basic sine waves you absolutely can’t tune accurately, basic noise machine. Many synths can do better, AR does better (really good noise machine).


the one says flat
the other says character :slight_smile:

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yes please


Hopefully Behringer will clone it

should be great!

No p-locks, no midi implementation, $149,

Volca Drum kills it.

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Flat is not the right term. For me it’s more like something missing than a quality, and I don’t find it crunchy. OTO Biscuit is definitely crunchy!

Anyway you can’t criticize MD here! :smile:

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let me show you, how you can:
I do not like the red display