Monomachine and Machinedrum reissues/reimagined?

Dear Elektron,

For the love of p-locks and all that is holy, please reissue or redesign/remake the Monomachine and Machinedrum. Perhaps in the Digi format? A new line of Silver Digis?

The used prices on these machines are insane and the people want the sound of the 90’s. Please and thanks.

Previously… on elektronauts

There’s more if you search. Along with answers.


I even think there’s been a thread wanting to start a petition.

Also, what’s the deal with people equating MnMs and MDs with 90’s sounds?


I think they sounded more like 2090s.


I wouldn’t turn down a Korg Prophecy or Z1 reissue.

No clue, flattening all digital synths and VA together, not to mention “chiptunes” alongside, I realize we’re all varying ages and our fixations may not be the same. I’m more happy that people appreciate the MD and MnM’s sound and it doesn’t bother me so much when the middy glitchy grit gets assigned with one movement or another that it was never a direct part of.

It’s fun to get snippy about accuracy but I also appreciate that people love the sound even if they can’t narrow down what it may reference, the chameleonic qualities of the engine are awesome simply because it can evoke feelings while rarely coming off as cliche or over-used.


the 12 bit sampling engine based on EMU SP-1200 likely helps it achieve lofi sounds reminiscent of the 90’s recording quality.

I guess it’s also to do with the MnM’s sound engine sounding pretty old school when it came out. The VO and Sid engines being a major culprit. Until ae got a hold of them.

I guess people buy a Moog GM to sound like the 70’s so it’s all good. I just hadn’t heard anyone mention the silver Elektrons sounding like the 90’s until recently.

I’d love a ‘Syntone’, like a Syntakt but with the machines from the MnM.

This sounds like the late 80’s :


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I got my MD and MnM in the 90s before Elektron invented them.