AR Analog Rytm feature request thread

I can see how it would be a pain in the ass to work out from a UI perspective because of the other non-probability trig conditions. But it would be fantastic if something could be done :crossed_fingers:

something the octatrack has the analogs and digis cant do…
change pattern while in scale menu…

its always a pain to set up or change the scale settings across multiple patterns,
having to enter the menu make the change, exit the menu change the pattern enter the menu etc.

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:100: I asked for this a while back too. Ability to use a cc to reset a pattern on all devices would be huge

After reading a related thread, I’m adding another request here for the AR MKII to have a gain reduction meter added to the Compressor (as seen on the AR MKI).


Can’t seem to find if this has been suggested/asked, but why can’t the MK I do resampling?

Speaking of meters, wouldn’t a mixer page for the rytm be cool? (like the A4 has)


Add an option to enable different mute behaviours (a good place might be in the pattern menu):

  1. GLOBAL MUTE as Rytm currently works mutes carry over to next pattern, essentially they are independent of the patterns and global.
  2. PATTERN MUTE mute states are stored with each pattern and recalled when pattern changes (somewhat similar to how mutes can be stored in chained patterns but this feature shouldn’t require the use of chains).

I assume it’s because the mark1 doesn’t actually sample at all. It’s more of a sample player than a sampler.
I sure wish it could though. Resampling is the one feature from the mk2 that I really wish I had on my mk1.

just in case you have a Digitakt or Digitone you could use the MIDI LFO’s and route them to the AR. Or any other MIDI LFO device of course.

true, but something internal with tighter sync than an external midi synced lfo could provide would be preferable. especially for consistent pitch sweeps and single shot envelope vca shaping utilized in drum voicing applications.


you could hook up a midi controller for this right?

you gotta talk to this guy Elk-Herd 3.0

Yeah. I also figured maybe they’d have to write up some code due to the screen differences and don’t want to go through the trouble of doing it. Resampling would make it such an amazing machine


yea midi CCs can control the pads but would be great if the CV input could also control. A standalone CV -> midi converter would work too but that’s another bit of gear :frowning:

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I would find Pattern Names (a la Digitakt) very useful. Although I understand from a UI perspective in chains it would be hard to deal with more than 3 characters… SO maybe an updated chain/song mode arrangement view to go with it :slight_smile:

Even if I could just name things In for intro, V1 for Verse 1, C1 for Chorus and so on… I’d be very pleased

ive got both the digis and the analogs and i love the analogs and enjoy them the most…
but i always get bummed out by the lack of pattern mutes.

its just too slow without them to build up an arrangement
and I dont want to delete sounds from patterns just mute them otherwise you have to go looking for them if you want to add them to a certain pattern…

just a switch in options to choose between pattern/global please!
or both like digis somehow… hopefully one day!


Yes we badly need Pattern Mutes! :+1:


Huh, weird that the compressor’s gain reduction meter is in MkI and not MkII.


A second lfo would be great.


A retrig mode where each pad has assigned a retrig rate would be very cool and very handy.

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