AR Analog Rytm feature request thread

Each pad already has retrig.

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I know but I mean a mode where I select track and each pad has a retrig rate for that sound

Ah, right. I think I have requested that too.

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Don’t know if this has been mentioned yet but it would be incredibly handy to have the retrig rolling feature only activate on the nearest step so it’s quantised, it’s kind of useless to me if you have to hit it exactly on the beat for it to sound any good.


Yes for proper sync - I’ve requested that too :+1:t2:

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so by this request do you mean if you hit the retrig enabled pad just after the nearest step you want it to trigger you would want it to time travel back to that step and start (impossible), or miss its initial retrig(s) and pick up mid retrig locked onto beat?
i think that’s hard to implement successfully and most people would prefer it represented their performance and record/place if they want it quantised.

Most arps work like this and OT has this feature for retrigering samples/slices. Just starting the retrig in sync with BPM.

Would microtiming be feasible as an LFO destination?

Use case would be to p-lock an LFO to adjust microtiming on hi-hats/snares to introduce a subtle timing variation. Playing around with sequencing sampled acoustic drumkits and would provide an easy way to give a more relaxed and natural feel!


I would also prefer synced retrigs. I never get unquantised arps to play in time.

Sample length instead of “sample start” and “sample end”, Digitakt style


Would be cool to be able to sequence the scenes/perfs. Eg use the FX track to p lock them ;p


some kind of performance mode would be nice.

pads for mutes
the 8 encoders for perfs (push of encoder muting the perf)
and the step buttons for scenes

imagine the flexibility while jamming/performing :exploding_head:

(only read some of this thread so someone probably already added this to the list ^^)

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Would X-mod analog osc with sample be possible?

Said this before I’m sure, but there really really really should be a way to save kits globally. Similar to sounds - IE being able to load my favorite kits into a brand new project. Or share kits which you can store globally rather than in a project :frowning:
Soundpacks would be so much more useful etc!


Yeah it seemed bizarre to me that it didn’t work this way when I got a Rytm. It comes with an example project with a bunch of kits that you can’t really do anything with without a painful workaround.


Yeah, goddamn what is up with Elektron and leaving just one LFO per track for the DT and the AR? I keep missing having a second LFO (or 2nd destination for the LFO, like on the A4) all the time, tried using MIDI LFOs but for some sounds the resolution is too low and becomes steppy :confused:

THIS! I need it, I miss the perf mode of the A4 a lot for the AR, I keep trying to find a workaround to perform mutes + scenes at the same time, I’ve been trying to setup a scene to filter out BD + bass to a high pass (allowing just the “knock” of the kick to pass through) and then use the mutes to create a drop, if anyone has an idea how to accomplish this consistently let me know because I’m going crazy on trying to find a way to cue the mutes, change to the scene menu, activate the scene and muting some tracks.

if you’ve got spare scenes you could copy and paste the “knock” one as needed and pull volume to 0 on tracks you want to mute.


just sold my dt to get an Analog Rytm and this is the one feature that I already know I‘m going to miss.

1 - Full Digitakt Sample editing
2 - EXT Input routing to Pre FX
3 - Audio IN monitoring via the FX (filter/dist/Rvb/Dly)