A4 Pattern Change via the Octatrack

can anybody explain me how the change an A4 pattern (say H 1 to H 2) if I change a pattern on the Octatrack via midi command from the OT to the A4. I like to store the A4 pattern change command in the OT pattern.

Im struggling with same question, also found in this


I thought it was a simple calculation…Prg Change in OT are 0-127

so…if i need H01 it would be (7x16)+1 = 113 ,

so i’ve put this in OT’s Midi track assigned with auto channel 11 (same in A4, where the PRG CHANGE IN channel is set to AUTO)

But, even if my mathematic was not good, actually no Pattern has changed in A4…no change at all…

What are Dayflight and me missing?

Thanks in advance!

I tried it just now and got it working straight away, so you might want to check your MIDI-settings again, I think. :slight_smile:

Check that the A4 is set to receive clock and program changes, and that the OT is set to send clock and program changes. That’s literally all I did now to get it to work.

Oh, and I ticked transport receive on the A4 and transport send on the OT too, not quite sure what it does, and don’t think it’s necessary, but try it out! :slight_smile:

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Yes you dont need to manually put in any program changes, make sure you take them off cos it’ll cause you problems
Once the machines are communicating on the same channel, the pattern changes just follow the master - ie when you change patterns on the OT - the A4 follows suite…

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So pattern A03 on OT will switch to A03 on Analog4 too?


Holy F##K Cristhmass period…it definitely works!!!

i haven’t checked the option on A4 to Receive…!..I was just sure that was already on!!

Now everything is going to be far more organized and coherent! I am SUREEE!!!

thank you so much guys…saying this with a lot of shame :zonked: for myself…so beginner i feel now…and it is anyway nice since this is like a discover!!


Also I have one more…if i want to use multiple OT patterns for one A4 pattern…is this possible?
Just tell me YES or NO …I will crunch myself on this as soon as I’ll be back at home ^.^

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i just switch off Prog Change in Midi Sync menu in OT and send correct PRG CHANGE number with the right Midi track…swEeEeeEeeEeEttttt !!!

Sharing is Discovering!

Thanks Guys!!


This is the correspondances:


Hold on though. Even if you can get this to work it’s not ideal. What about all my pre-existing OT projects from before I bought the A4? I have no choice over which patterns are called??? I can’t name a pattern on the A4 so how do I keep track of which A4 patterns correspond to which OT projects? I can name a song, so why isn’t that the item called with program change??

It’s a weird design philosophy. :confused:

Indeed…the 1:1 approach (OT pattern C07 switches to C07 on A4) could get annoying…

i prefer some Part to trigger something…otherwise I’ll stick more with Chains on A4,all depends on what I’ll do with the combo-machines…eheheh

Since I got the plus drive I was all excited about being able to have the patterns change with the OT but I cannot get my A4 to change with the OT. The MnM responds beautifully but the A4 doesn’t. I think my midi settings are all correct. Prog chng in is set to auto.

use multimaps to change patterns, imo. it’s more flexible.

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I just want the A4 to follow the OT to be honest.

hm… which channel are you using on the OT to send the program changes?
if AF program channel in is set to auto, by default this is channel 9, so on the OT you need to send on 9.

also make sure that in MIDI SYNC settings, program chang receive is enabled…

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I set the OT to 9 then the MnM stopped working so I set that to receive on 9 too and now its working well.

I’m having problems getting the Octatrack to send program changes to the A4. Here are my settings:

midi sync: Prog CH Send is checked and CH is 10

Prog. CH receive is checked
Prog CH In CH: 10

What am I missing here?


I dont know why, but i am not anymore able to perform program change using OT as master.

All is checked and channeled on AUTO channel (ch.11 for OT and AF);

AF has the PRG CHANGE RECEIVE on and channel 11 for PRG CHANGE IN;

OT has PRG CHG SEND checked on AUTO in the SYNC page.

So far it looks ok, isn’it?

But it doesn’t work!

Any ideas?

thanks a lot!



I tried an Empty Reset on both units-------nothing.

AF is 1.1b OS
OT is 1.25b OS

Please, if you have any idea!


solved by using another channel for PRG CH on OT and A4…do not use the AUTO channel.

I keep bumping on this…if the Mods allow.

so updated the A4 to 1.1c.

OT’s side:

• AUTO ch 11

• PRG CHANGE SEND checked on AUTO ch

A4’s side:

• AUTO ch 11

• PRG CH RECEIVE checked in Midi Sync

• PRG CH IN CH on AUTO in Midi Channels

I am still not able to perform pattern changes using the OT…

I was, say, two months ago…not anymore

im going to get really sad

also because when activating the PRG change happens that fact that T1’s OSC1 pitch goes to -64 … :zonked:

Help please

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I shoulda searched for this first, bumping it in case anyone had reported and had feedback ?


I believe that sicijk misinterpreted the meaning of AUTO is this context.

AUTO for Program Change Send channel does not mean that Program Change messages are sent on the AUTO Channel.

I believe that sicijk misinterpreted the meaning of AUTO is this context.

AUTO for Program Change Send channel does not mean that Program Change messages are sent on the AUTO Channel.[/quote]
ehm ehm …you’re completely right!! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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