Your setups [ 10k Archive]

What’s powering the octatrack and circuit?

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The circuit is running on 6xAA
The OT just got upgraded with an internal LiIon battery.

See this thread:

With Ableton being the big hub for looping(midi and audio) here how do you implement the OT and AR in the setup?

Digitakt, Biscuit and cassette recorder are all connected via the mixer, for sampling and resampling duties.


Can you explain the routing ? Is the output of the mixer going into the Digitakt ?

Something really pleases the minimalist in me in your setup.


The AR and OT are the core of the setup. AR handles all drums, OT mostly recorded loops and sequences DN. I use Ableton live to loop whatever I play or tweak when I’m jamming (or playing live which is the same thing basically). So I can record long parameter tweaks of the digitone or play and record as many bars as I like.
My workflow is very jam oriented. I have 1 Ableton set that doesn’t contain songs, only mixing and live looping…

Of course!

  • Digitakt :arrow_right: Oto Biscuit :arrow_right: Mixer input 1
  • Cassette recorder :arrow_right: Mixer input 2
  • Mixer output 1 :arrow_right: Digitakt
  • Mixer output 2 :arrow_right: Audio interface :arrow_right: Ableton

Now I just need one more cable in order to close the loop :yum: with:

  • Ableton :arrow_right: Audio interface :arrow_right:Cassette recorder

Rearrangement of my little homestudio real estate…still no room for a Matriarch…


Ah! The famed Elektron Model:Lamp


Where did you get that lamp ?

Ok ! It makes sense. But are you getting feedback when you resample the Digitack ?

I really like your setup. I am presently working on building something compact and similar with a tape player and some effect. I am adding a synth however… Anyway, using a small dj mixer is a great idea.

Ikea! :wink:

…and Sticker from Elektron…that came with my Digitone Keys…

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Both lamps very :sweden:


I used to love pressing the keys down harder and injecting more flavour and expression with my OB6 voices. I used my DX7. I can’t play much but it always used to wow me but in a bid to become more streamlined I sold it. I was using my Sub37 but I put it back in the box. I have bought a DX100 for form factor and so I can play my OB6 module. The Sub37 has aftertouch. Yesterday, it came back out of the box and I am in love all over again. The Sub37 itself has found a nice little spot. It’s being ran through the MD500 and RV500 and the DX100 is plugged into the Sub37’s audio input. Trying to be as minimal as possible but…



I just turn DT’s monitoring off when I want to resample itself.


Monster in the closet!

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The synth too. :3lektron::elan:

Played live yesterday in a beautiful venue. Worked out just fine. DN is the master and Analog drive used for guitar. Other things are moog dfam and mother32 and an op1 + guitar + pedalboard.

watch the complete set, now including show notes! Enable subtitles:


How do you find those genelec 8010?

I have the Neumann kh120 but I found them to be too much for my room