Your setups [ 10k Archive]

No sound card - Just go directly from the MBP’s phone out to a mixer, where everything else is plugged in as well.

When I record, I use an Apollo Twin mkII

I use a MOTU Micro lite (5 MIDI in, 5 MIDI out) to manage all the synths. Just added a Sub Phatty to the mix. We’ll see how it manages with the others.

No problem whatsoever with the M:S. Logic’s the master clock/transport. I send PC messages and tempo to the M:S, there’s no lag.

DNK receives Tempo/PC and sometimes MIDI Notes. Same for Bass station.

Still figuring out the workflow.

Nice one

What mixer do you use?

i have a similar set-up

Just an old Soundcraft Spirit 12 in.
M:S, DNK and Computer running stereo
Bass station, Sub Phatty mono

How about you? Setp up and everything? Which style do you play?

electro, techno and ambient

I have a DN, AR MK2 and a Nord Rack; sometimes i generate/create sounds in Reason and sequence in Logic or Live

I have a metric halo uln2 interface but it is only 2 ins/outs

This is why I was asking about the mixer

I think I will get a mackie 12vlz or an Adat 8 ins expansion for my uln2

I think the workflow is very important it can be more important than your equipment.

I did an ep just with Reason cause I was very comfortable with my workflow

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I like having a physical mixer - easier to do fade outs with out.

I’m fairly new to the electronic music thing - I played guitar and bass in different bands for 20 years, but a friend and i wanted to try something different.

He plays guitar (which he often loops and layers), e-drums (looped as well) and programs drums.
I play guitar, keys, manage the sequences and program drums as well.
We have a singer.

I tried sequencing everything with DNK but it quickly became a hassle for me since I need my hands for playing guitar.

What we’ve came up with - and works - for us.

DNK: If there’s p-lock/recorded knob twisting: that part gets recorded in the DNK’s sequencer and triggered through PC in Logic. If not, all the MIDI notes are recorded in Logic.
I sometimes play it live too - so Logic changes patches for me. One less thing to worry about.

M:S almost all the drum patterns are built in it. We add some hits or doubled parts here and there in Logic.

Bass station II: I mostly play it live - bass or lead - but sometimes it is sequenced in Logic. My partner will get it this week to play live because i got a…

Sub Phatty: Will be used for bass, leads and weird sounds. Mostly played live. It is a fantastic instrument, very hands on. I’ll get in the editor soon.

I’ll also try and patch my ES8 (guitar pedal switcher) to change patches at certain points of songs, so I don’t have to think about that either.

We’re slowly getting there, I think.

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Oh yes. DFAM and SH101 CV adventure.


anyone using a dual stand for the elektron mk2s or are they too big for that?

OWC rocks. I’ve upgraded multiple MacBook devices of various flavors over the years. I can’t recommend them highly enough.

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Rewired everything today :crazy_face:


I love your desk. And you need to water your lamp…


Hehe i think its a bad idea to water my lamp…probably a shocking experience :joy:


Would love to hear what you make with this. Looks great.


Just finished reforming…
In the flight case, there is a computer tucked away with Ableton Live functioning as mixer, looper and midi looper. there is 1 track with a piano plugin and 1 track with a 303 plugin.
Everything is controlled by the faderfoxes, so I just need a screen to launch Ableton and I can put the screen away… Ableton is also a big midi hub. A lot of midi is routed through Ableton so I can record midi in session clips (hence the launchpad). This is mainly for playing and parameter tweaking on the DN, the 303 plugin, and the piano plugin. Ableton also hosts the loopers for the guitar fx chains, mic and wavedrum.


Fleuw what are your thoughts on the Alpha Base, good machine ?

Version 0.478 (aka messy mustard)
Nxt up: fx pedal rack row on top, probably…


sweet! double foxes

:control_knobs: :fox_face: :level_slider: :fox_face:

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I really like the Alpha Base. Sounds great and fun to play with.


I dont have anything freshly made online but i have a
Mainly my dj mixes and some stuff i made when i sold my dj gear and started making music for my own pleasure.
I used to have instagram and Facebook but i ended social media because it took much energy needed elsewhere

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All I need at the moment.
Fits in a backpack, runs 6h and gives me a lot to tweak. Fully concentrating on the OT now, as my “learningcurve is too steep got no time” excuse does not work anymore since upgrading to MKII :laughing: