Your politicians ... isn´t it so much fun?

With everyone saying where they’re from suddenly I’m reading everyones comments in different accents than I assumed



i just assume everyone here is swedish and sounds like a viking

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Actually I dot’t know lol I just heard about it. Maybe below the last post in the thread?

Edit: Yes. Where it says “tracking”

For the sake of transparency, I am the rarest of rares, a Canadian libertarian.



Alright I’m out. Until the next political thread :slight_smile:

Do your drone homework! Drone Day 2019


What country is that? Looking to move. Canada has lost its mind.


100 comments and it’s still civilized! Whoa! What a mature group these Elektronauts


That is exactly why I enjoy talking politics on this forum. :slight_smile:

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Ever heard of Skynet?

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Holy $@&! If that does happen (and I can totally see it) then they can have it. I’d be done with it.

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Can’t be any worse than what we have here in the U.S. :joy::joy::joy:

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It’s guaranteed to happen. Maybe not in our lifetime but as soon as A.I. surpasses humans in intelligence we’ll be governed by it.

If people accept a robot uprising and elect mechanical overlords I will eat my hat. I think dogs will gain true self awareness and lash back at our enslavement of their species before that happens


This right here is where it begins:

“Budget surpluses, payments mean New York debt clock is yesterday’s news”

So in true legacy media fashion, the author is either wholly ignorant or is being willfully deceptive. These are in fact 2 discrete issues. Debt and congressional budget are not the same thing, although they sure are frequently conflated by media people and those that govern. I would guess that 2/3 of Congress can’t make the distinction between fiscal and monetary policy and I base that on watching testimony.

By the way, I’m not being critical of you and I would also prefer that our government not run amuck like a bunch of drunk whores. This entire story, however, was a snow job so I figured I’d point it out.

Except it wasn’t. All they did was borrow a few hundred billion off balance sheet. Congress hid their borrowing instead of actually killing the deficit and they did so by raiding Social Security, thereby adding to the unfunded liabilities. Further, even with the off balance sheet borrowing, they still got no better than a deficit of $17.91 billion for fiscal year 2000. It must be nice to consider that a rounding error. Balanced it wasn’t.

I didn’t think you were being critical of me.
I see what you are saying about the shell game that was being played.

I still would have preferred that that paradigm continued until it was discovered by the population that a shell game was in fact occurring. I think a better national dialogue would have taken place than just openly going back to deficit spending and just sidelining the whole discussion.

In 2000, the only person who seemed upset by the Bush tax cuts was a Republican named Jim Jeffords, a Senator from Vermont.
He left the GOP and became an Independent, gave a great speech and everything.

In fact, it is safe to say that Jim Jeffords is my favorite Independent Senator to ever come from Vermont.


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Haha, too true. Technocracy is a resource grab plain and simple. While we the plebs will live in cute little green boxes stacked row upon row and high as the sky. But we should have excellent wi-fi… all the better to track us with… haha.


I think I heard that Joe Rogan interviewed some Alantic Council futurist meat monkey, sounded like the typical anti-human death cult knuckle draggin propaganda these globaloneys usually spout. A brave new world indeed!

I get all the depression on this thread, I used to be there as well. I don’t think it is necessarily a bad thing to feel the way you do, it may just be a “world view” dying; and you are working your way through the 5 stages of grief.

I think I’ve had 3 die on me now, gets easier by the 3rd one. :slight_smile:


That’s assuming that AI is programmed and licensed to govern. Many world leading economies have nuclear weapons but they are not used at the risk of the backlash that would come from it.

Politicians ultimately have the deciding vote in law and regulation. They are also above all, there to protect their own interests, so why would they agree to have impartial machines have more say in how we are governed when they do not even listen to scientists and other experts?

The way I see the biggest risk from AI is if it is weaponized to an extent that it can make its own decisions and wonders off the intended battle field. We’d have to use the nukes to stop em! Or more likely disable the satellites through which they communicate and then wait for their oil to need changing, then turn them to scrap.

Or torch the skies. 2nd Renaissance