Year of the Meat

Doing some refactoring here to make my endless diatribe less messy. I’m going to have a LOT to say about episode 3

(Written 12/29/2023)

Episode 1(02/??/2023)

I’ve been thinking about this for SO LONG! I’ve circled around to it multiple times within that time- getting closer but never really doing it.

Inspired by John Cage’s Indeterminacy, Raymond Scott’s Limbo(An Organized Mind), and Chris Morris’ Blue Jam, here is the art I make now: Meat Team

Stream episode Episode 1 - Sent by Meat Team podcast | Listen online for free on SoundCloud


Episode 2(01/02/2024)

Earlier this year I introduced an episode of Meat Team.

The second episode had me trying to bite off more than I could chew- so I spent months trying to make it bigger and more intricate, before realizing that it wasn’t sustainable.

I’ve now found a system that works.

I’m going to use this system to make monthly episodes next year.

(I’m counting this one as the January one)

Much gratitude to:

Enough dilly dallying. Here’s the super-exclusive early release of Episode 2: Rest

Here’s the episode:
Stream Episode 2- Rest by Meat Team | Listen online for free on SoundCloud

I lied. There is no system. Who could have guessed that an experimental art project would shy away from having a proper formula? :smiley:

Episode 3: Love Life

New episode is available to preview for free before its official release on February 2nd!

This one was a trip to make! Much thanks to @Unifono @Microtribe and @korpinen for letting me use their music! The tunes they made and contributed really added to the vibe of the story I had already written which was really neat. For the story segments, I couldn’t have come up with something that so perfectly hit the vibe of each respective section.

Back story of this episode

I went into this wanting to use Raymond Scott’s/Jim Henson’s track “Limbo: An Organized Mind” as a reference, but as I was brainstorming for it, I felt the solo narration would have felt too heavy and too serious. Thankfully I was able to pull in a friend to record(during the holiday season nonetheless)

The story feels really full and it hits the duality of comedy/tragedy to, to me, an impressive degree.

One thing I really like is that punchlines earlier in the episode serve as seeds for the sorrow at the end to bloom. That’s really neat to me.

This was a cool project and provided new avenues to experiment with storytelling. I’m, again, super grateful to the artists that allowed me to use their expertly crafted sentiments to provide a greater depth to the storytelling.

It was exhausting. It was stressful. But it was SUPER fulfilling. I can’t wait to further hone this medium for Episode 4.

Links to the music in Episode 3. I wholeheartedly recommend purchasing EVERY ONE of these artists releases(if you haven’t already)


If anyone would like me to use their track for any future episodes, comment/message me your music.



I was wondering what ever happened to that!
Will give it a proper listen at home later.
Thanks for the opportunity to take part, it was an honor!

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Yeah, having this episode on my backlog was KILLING me :smiley:

Not just for the kind musicians that let me use their music, but I had friends do some voice acting for some parts…I didn’t want all of that to be for 'naut :smiley:

I’ll also make some time later to give it a listen, I’m sure it’s awesome though. Congrats on the release!

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I look forward to hearing the entire episode, the part I got to hear before was great.


I spent all day working on the story for episode 3.

I really effing like it.

That combined with the gifts of music I’ve got for episode 3 has me REALLY excited to get back to work! :slightly_smiling_face:



I thought the revisions to the dexaprom ad worked out great.


This “Year of the Meat” thing has me intrigued :thinking:
I’m going to have to carve out some serious time to chew on and digest whatever is going on here…

Hey @shigginpit, what are you doing here? Aren’t you vegetarian?


I’m paying the llama tax.


I have no idea what’s going on but I’ll give it a listen in the morning!


You should start with the first installment, it will be less jarring right out of the box.

I finished the first part of a project I’ve been thinking about since 2006 - Elektronauts / Our Music - Elektronauts


I was freaked out, thought someone had picked up on my working title for my sex life. Crisis averted.



I’m so disappointed in myself.

I’m two episodes in and I haven’t used the rimshot in EITHER of them.

Am I no longer corny…? :cry:

Edit: man, the rimshot would have been PERFECT in episode 1 with its horror setting. I’ll have to aim for a return to that vibe to correct that in episode 4

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“She approached me from within the fog of my mind with a bright shining slide whistle poised at the edge of her lips… What do you intend to do to me with that slide whistle? I asked in a manner appropriate to one already resolved to the answer they’re prepared to hear.”

: rim shot noise :

“That was not at all the answer that I expected to hear, but I can’t say that I’m surprised.”

: slide whistle noise :


I was trapped in a room and tortured with the sound of that slide whistle. My emotions in constant flux.

Bouncing endlessly, back and forth, between mild curiosity and lackluster disappoint with the rising and lowering tone of that condemnable slide whistle!

I felt my sanity slip- no- slide away.

rim shot


Post updated to be more conducive to better detail the journey of…

The Year of the Meat :grinning:

Ta-da! The new episode is officially out! Tell your friends! :smiley:


I’m not on spotify so I can’t verify, but is this the episode we previewed around 3 weeks ago?

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