I finished the first part of a project I've been thinking about since 2006

I’ve been thinking about this for SO LONG! I’ve circled around to it multiple times within that time- getting closer but never really doing it.

Inspired by John Cage’s Indeterminacy, Raymond Scott’s Limbo(An Organized Mind), and Chris Morris’ Blue Jam, here is the art I make now: Meat Team




That’s so brave I don’t even have a joke, thanks so much for sharing.

To use your words, after 11 minutes, even now I wish there was still some left.


Oh snap! That’s clever af! Thanks for listening! :grinning:

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what was the other thing you said, like the walls had now succeeded in hurting my feelings? that was so great man.

At first I thought it was a film sample. When I adjusted to what I was hearing I had to like, readjust my ears. Like my feet needed to be re-planted to adjust to a moving boat.


Ha! Yeah! The walls had successfully hurt my feelings :grinning:

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Cool. Reminded me to listen to Ann Magnuson (Bongwater) again. Sounds like a longterm piece. Thanks for sharing.


Thanks for listening! Its a long term project, but the story of this episode is complete(shoehorned an endless loop in there)(if you want to hear how the story continues, please restart the episode)

Thanks for the music recommendation. Sounds right up my alley


Wait a minute! Mark Kramer?! From Louisville, Ky?!

I’m familiar with that guy

Nevermind, Google’d the guy. Diff Mark Kramer

Right, Shimmy-Disk was rad. That whole NY scene put out such cool stuff. King Missile too.


Thanks for sharing. Thought provoking, lots and lots going on clearly a labour of love. Enjoyed those 11mins.

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Great voice! And amazing atmosphere.
This would totally deserve a periodic radio show…
I want more!

As a non-native English speaker, I don’t get everything yet, it will need several dedicated listenings I guess.


Chittens……digital chittens……,
Good stuff

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This is excellent. The liquor store assistant saying it was the third time she’d had a kidney stolen made me genuinely lol. Good stuff!


Thank you so much! There were so many jokes, when writing this, that I wasn’t sure would land(because being funny while alone is hard).

Given the horror-vibe of the track, in this doubt, I opted to steer hard into a concept of broken reality/broken perspective- and hope for the best.

Thank you so much for listening!


I don’t think I mentioned this but I got a William S. Burroughs feel from the humor. Even if it wasn’t intentional, the humor had impact in the right places.


Not to ignore everyone else- I saw your comments, i was just too tired to come up with a sufficient response.

@Matoshi yes! Totally a labor of love. The significance of this thing made every. single. aspect. of this first attempt an overwhelmingly daunting task. But I’m so happy to have done it and hopefully future episodes will feel more natural.

@LyingDalai Thanks! I’m glad that atmosphere sold! And glad you enjoyed it! I’m hoping this thing gets some traction enough to be able to split up the work and have the added benefit of combined talent to improve the output and to be able to make it more periodical(and more variety per episode, to REALLY recreate the Blue Jam vibe) we’ll see!


@Francis thanks! :slightly_smiling_face:

Wow, @Ryan, this is truly amazing, genius! Congrats on the first episode!

Sin City vibe. :pray::heart:


You’re gonna make me blush! Thank you so much! :slightly_smiling_face:

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Oh, a @blushresponse!

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