Working in Games Industry

Did you make video games? Whered you work?

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Interplay, Troika, Pandemic, EA, Massive Black, Zynga, Juice Box

1998-2016 (need werkā€¦bad!)


After 30yrs of games Iā€™m doing medical vr at the moment.
Lots of similarities but with no attempt to cause addiction and hook players into buying pointless costumes or engage in loot boxes.


Iā€™m still working in video games. At the moment, I have no envy to change. The dream would be to have my own indy studio but itā€™s very hard to manage.

From the thread, Iā€™m amazed by the amount of games that get made but never released. Could make an awesome retroactive collection of things that never saw the light of day. Like a Beatles outtakes and demos thing :blush:

Iā€™m often contacted about projects that didnā€™t get released , mostly regarding projects on c64 / early 90ā€™s long before there was any retro game scene.

Iā€™m not sure any have the interest / quality of lost Beatles tracks.

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For me making music and developing video games have something in commun that is difficult to explainā€¦ maybe the idea that everything is possible.

That said, they are aging very differently. It is rare to still enjoy playing old video games.

Ya i didnt werk on freemium stuff other than Farmville. D&D, Star Wars, Military simsā€¦

Unfortunatelyā€¦im an animator. Not much werk for my kind these days. And not much for me in medical VR that cant be done by an engineer.

Totally lost as what to do next.
And im old.

@craig yaā€¦but despite not coming out, the IP belongs to the co. Unless the co that holds the IP makes the gameā€¦you cant really put it out.
We were making a game at Interplay that was SO SICK. At the time the computers couldnt handle what we were making. We had a guy (genius) that moved to Naughty Dog that had created a physics engine for our game in 99. It was insane, adding to an insane game. That game, unless Interplay would be willing to sell the IP, wouldnt be able to be made. Thoā€¦in the spot they are inā€¦they just might. They actually exist still. Dunno why. :confused:


Hello fellow former games animator here!
Seem that most games stuff has gone to mocap at least here in UK.
I moved to TV shows for now. not sure if i would go back to games now as its all project contracts no benefits, times have changed :joy:

Really interesting. I wonder how many hidden gems the world missed out on :pensive:


I werked on 32 games. 18 released.
Some incompletes had SO much potential. But fear of trying something new and sticking with what sells, OR constantly rewerking stuff, kills them.

Gotta take a chance sometimes.

Imagine thisā€¦werking 7 years on a project. In the end it gets shut down. When i saw something like that developing, i change projects right away. Feel bad for those that stuck it out. Especially for people that the game is their first.


there was one poor guy who worked 8 years in my last company not one game released :cry:

Sounds like Sony ā€¦

Who else is making or trying to make video games in their free time?
I canā€™t script for the life of me, but Iā€™m doing it all using Bolt in Unity.
Currently polishing my one-touch shooter on iOS.

I was thinking maybe we poll skills and try something together? Seems like thereā€™s a few of usā€¦

My buddy and i were. Modeler and animatorā€¦
But we needed an engineer to make the mods we needed. We are code inept. Soā€¦project abandoned.

Cool idea for a skateboarding game :wink:

I just finished and was BLOWN away by INSIDE.
Anyone play that. So good!

Currently hooked on RainbowSix :grimacing:

INSIDE was such a ride. Need to play again, been a couple years now I think.

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Sounds like Lionhead :smiley:

Sounds like a lot of places :frowning:

The latest article about working conditions in gaming
Certainly not unique though, I hear a lot of horror stories in movies, vfx , animation, coal mining , food prep.

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