Why dont Famous Musicians or Artists in general spend time in online forums?

I honestly don’t care whether they post on here or not. They’re just people. Id like to know if any famous artists in their live setup, studio setup, maybe just on one album or maybe just a song are confirmed Elektron users, and more specifically Octatrack users. I had an argument with an Akai/mpc user who pointed out and had google show me pictures of famous DJs on MPC stuff from back in the day. Jam master Jay, Eric B, and so on. Do we Elektron users have anyone of that level of repute we can brag about? More importantly we are always talking about how the OT is unmatched in its performance sampling and certain things it does so well live. Who can we site that has/had one and uses it?




Panda Bear and Avey Tare are the reason I got my DPS-1


Elektron couldn’t have had better artists using their gear for electronic fuckery than Autechre. I’m pretty sure they’re to some extent responsible for the insane second hand prices of MD and MnM. Bastards!


(among already mentioned) Slauson Malone of Standing On The Corner


I’m an absolute nobody with a small YouTube channel. Had a tiny disagreement with someone on the AFX Bass Station II YouTube video and all my videos suddenly have 5+ extra downvotes each, in some cases that was more than half the total votes they had… Quite embarrassing and now my channel is empty -___- Pretty sure the guy has a squad that follows him on command or he used multiple channels to quickly downvote all my stuff… sigh.

If already famous that wouldn’t matter at all but I’ll be damned if I ever have an opinion online again.


We push you back up! Do you just want +5 upvotes or do you want the videos to become trending?


Lol, I don’t mind that much but one track I was always pretty happy with, probably the only one that never had downvotes and blam, tainted! Gives me a chance to start fresh, hopefully the troll(s) didn’t subscribe just to torment me.

I’m focusing on practice more than production lately.


Wow. That fucking sucks. Send us the video you really love for upvotes!


I had a troll on my youtube some years back, always making snidey comments, and thumbs down every video, he had his own youtube channel with not many views, he was a member on here, maybe still is, I thought it was kind of lame and funny, I don’t feel the need to name and shame him though, I just feel kind if sorry for him.

I used to enjoy burning trolls, but I can’t be bothered anymore. Usually they are jealous and insecure and they think that by dissing your stuff they are elevating their own, then there are trolls who have no interest in the type of music that you make, yet feel the need to tell you it isn’t real music, I don’t understand why they seek out stuff they don’t like, too much time on their hands I guess.


I really liked the content of your channel. That’s a shame you had to take down your videos. In a sense, I don’t blame you - people on social media are general a-holes. I’ve seen my sweet, loving sister turn into a monster when defending her newfound political views.

Keep in mind that these synth companies have many brand reps that are paid and given merchandise to protect their reputations. A few of these reps are members of online forums and they’re obviously active on YouTube. You have probably activated these reps to defend their new product. For sure, the downvotes are retaliation.

Try starting a new channel and reposting your old stuff with new titles. Leave more positive feedback or hold back your negative comments.

Who gives a shit about downvotes?
Fuck downvotes, just share you tunes.


If my suspicion is correct this person has plenty of subs for a synth channel, but I too can’t be bothered to discuss them. Seems like an old crone.

The track is mediocre still but it was probably in the top 3 I’ve made. Best with headphones due to experimenting with Sound Toys Crystallizer, and also maybe some beers or greens since it’s a bit trance-y.

I tried to combine TOOL with Stranger Things’ S U R V I V E lol. Upvotes don’t matter at all, it’s just having someone publicly tarnish something you’re mildly proud of when 99% of the stuff I make always feels like trash.

It’s a bit long winded but halfway through it gets where it needs to go!


I do, at least a little bit. My channel is so small first impressions make a difference. When something has 5 upvotes and 5 downvotes people do tend to get an immediate impression and possibly not even bother listening.

But, that’s why I’m saying f$#% YouTube lately, if I can’t make people dance/flow in the analog realm, I don’t care anymore. I’m not interested in demos, tutorials, etc… I’m only here for music and getting better at production.


Fair play to you.
I understand that I’m not typical as a YouTube user, but I’ve never really noticed the like/dislike numbers (unless I’m liking a video myself) and certainly wouldn’t not watch something based on how many downvotes it has, I’m mean, I’m a fucking Whitehouse fan…


These people are not worth worrying about. The fecklessness of others is of no concern.

There are many people on this planet that dont care about the opinions of others. Share your tunes, ignore the numbers. Numbers dont mean anything.


Theyre busy making music.
Not GASing for an OT3


I would imagine the big guys couldnt have a discussion without being overrun by fanboyism and questions about x and y. They couldnt ask a question themselves without having to scroll through unrelated posts about this and that. That would annoy anybody. Going incognito solves that.


I recall watching a video on big Tuna where the gentleman was well respected :

“If you love what you do, you will teach yourself. If you do not love what you do, others will teach you” - Yukitaka Yamaguchi

Take it how you may