Who's using an A4 cv to Modular?

No need to worry nedavine, you’ll be moving to 12 U before you know it. :imp:

No I haven’t noticed any colouring. I just don’t have a nice big case and it takes up 8hp. It’s useful for attenuation but most of the modules I have have atenuverters on then anyway making it a bit useless in my system. If I had a 9U instead it would be a great module but for my company system is a bit surplus to requirements. I’d like to trade it to be honest. [/quote]
Ah, ok, I see, thanks. :slight_smile: I’d gladly take it off your hands, but my local shop sells them relatively cheap, so wouldn’t make much sense to send it all the way from Japan through customs etc.

No I haven’t noticed any colouring. I just don’t have a nice big case and it takes up 8hp. It’s useful for attenuation but most of the modules I have have atenuverters on then anyway making it a bit useless in my system. If I had a 9U instead it would be a great module but for my company system is a bit surplus to requirements. I’d like to trade it to be honest. [/quote]
Ah, ok, I see, thanks. :slight_smile: I’d gladly take it off your hands, but my local shop sells them relatively cheap, so wouldn’t make much sense to send it all the way from Japan through customs etc. [/quote]
Haha yeah I thought the same. Hopefully I might have a trade for my tetra for a rene.
I’ve got 40,000 yen to spend at http://www.clockfacemodular.com/ or http://www.fiveg.net/
Anyone got an recommendations?

If you are getting rene, it would be good to have some interesting sources of modulation and trigs. Rene works with just clock, of course, but it is in the additional mod and trigs that it gets interesting. pressure points and a double lfo source would be a great addition for it.

edit: i just saw you have tides and function, plus an a4(?) so, i guess i take all the above back :wink:

if you are looking for strangeness, you could have a look into the synchrodyne

The synchrodyne looks very interesting indeed. I’ll youtube that badboy a fair bit tomorrow.

I finally got around to making a new video

My daughter stopped breast feeding so our evening routine has been screwed. The end result being no music making time.

Anyway hope you like the vid.

Super song nedavine!

So I filmed a few beginner videos (in Japanese) for clockface modular. They really are beginner but check them out if you’re interested.


Wow, loved that! Lush! :slight_smile:

Cheers mate.

Seems like my modular is steadily growing. I finally managed to build a quite complex patch today.

Brains and tides in PLL mode being the stars of this one!

Nice Nedavine!
Need to get back to my modular, too busy with the AR at the mo :slight_smile:

After a filter to go with my DPO STO Cyclebox Maths Phonogene & Echophon if anyone has any suggestions?

Looked at the MMG obviously but I think the Koma sounds better. Not keen on Pittsburgh, too thin, Borg 2 looks fun, oh decision decisions :slight_smile:

Ouah! Good Music nadavine… My feet were starting to leave the ground at one moment :slight_smile:

I use the mutable instruments ripples. It’s very nice. The doepfer Wasp is pretty interesting too.

Cheers mate.

I use the mutable instruments ripples. It’s very nice. The doepfer Wasp is pretty interesting too. [/quote]
Yeah just been looking at Ripples, looks pretty nice. I think its that or Koma or both!!! I have 4 Osc so 2 filters isn’t too extravagant lol
Ill check out the wasp, doesn’t self oscillate if memory serves?

No it doesn’t but it’s a weird little filter. Not heard the Koma, gonna look it up.

I myself am planning to add an MMG to compliment my ripples but my next purchase is a springray.

Another nice track, ned! Lush as per usual! :slight_smile: And a nice rack you got going now, growing steadily indeed!

I heard a comparison between the Koma, the MMG and the Pittsburgh filter - and the Koma filter sounded the best to me, but seeing as my local pusher have the MMG, I’m probably going to get one, as it will be a whole lot cheaper.

Can’t praise Ripples enough though. I love it. Very smooth and indeed “liquid” as advertised. Bargain.

I just bought Rene. Since I started this I could have bought a rytm and had change …

Haha, who needs a drum synth anyway, though? :wink: How do you like the uScale? I’ve been planning on getting one with the batch I’m going to get with my tax return money, but not sure I want to prioritize getting one over say a Brain Seed. I initially wanted both, but need to prioritize the order in which I get things.

So far, the wishlist looks like this;

Anyone got any bad experiences with any of those modules, or have suggestions for better modules (or more value for money modules) than the ones in there?

bluewolf, here’s the link again of the DPO saw output processed through a Dual Borg. I love the Dual Borg - also works super great as a dual LPG, self oscillating filter>LPG combo, quick and dirty mixer and overall mayhem bringer. [https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/492470/Gear%20Demos/DPO_Saw_Borg.MP3](https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/492470/Gear Demos/DPO_Saw_Borg.MP3)

Haha, who needs a drum synth anyway, though? :wink: How do you like the uScale? I’ve been planning on getting one with the batch I’m going to get with my tax return money, but not sure I want to prioritize getting one over say a Brain Seed. I initially wanted both, but need to prioritize the order in which I get things.

So far, the wishlist looks like this;

Anyone got any bad experiences with any of those modules, or have suggestions for better modules (or more value for money modules) than the ones in there?[/quote]
Looking at that system, I don’t think you even need a quantizer. René is quantized already and PP is tuneable should there be a need for it. Otherwise it’s just a waste of hp in my opinion.
I had one on loan for a short time and it seemed pretty redundant. The fact that the interval can be locked to a scale is nice but that was about all.
As you’re sequencing from the A4 and rené your need for quantization is pretty diminished.