What's your latest purchase & what are your intentions with it? [pics ftw] (Part 2)

i was about to buy me 3 new tarot deсks (by Fabio Listrani – Goetia, Notoria & Santa Muerte) – but got eyePad instead.


im gonna book mark this and read this post every time I have the urge to sell one of my MD’s (which, frankly, is too often lately)

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We need a Thoth deck thread…


Latest purchase: Keycaps of Magical Darkness!

Intentions are to press them I guess? It’s weird paying extra money for subtle aesthetic adjustments on gear. I always feel guilty while in process even if I know I’ll be super stoked on the results.


After a brief period cycling through some different gear I’ve ended up back where I started. I’m not sure what made me want to get rid of the A4 other than wanting to try some other stuff and not being able to afford to keep A4 and something new, but everything has sold or is currently listed and we’ve come full circle. The A4 and Digitone really counter each other well in terms of over all tonal sonic vibes, adding another digital synth to the Digitone did not work for me, and having them both have really similar work flows works well for my brain. Also the A4 just sounds phenomenal.


Oh yes the A4 and the Dn get along really well.


I came full circle (actually a few times) back to the A4 and DN. Together they make a powerful hub for the whole studio, as well as awesome instruments in their own right.
For sampling I’m back with the SP-16… but if they ever release a stereo DT Mk2 I’d switch in a heartbeat.

  • FL Studio Mobile – for quick sketching
  • Drambo – for advanced perversions

second OG Mutable Clouds incoming…intention is to build an extended microcosm granular unit…the idea is to set them up like „clouds - streams - clouds“

which would then behave with possibilities of cross panning, analog filtering, enveloped VCAs and all the great algorithms of the parasite firmware, combining the clouds with a buffer for each side of a stereo field obviously with a lot of patch points etc etc

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My initial intentions were to use this thing to replace a Rumble of Ancient Times and DFAM both of which I’d been using in a similar fashion. The Dysmetria sounds fantastic and the RoAT is ancient history probably never to be thought of again. But I’m finding out one does not simply ‘replace’ a DFAM :0)


I finally bit the Washington Bullets and got me one of those.

Of course i hope it will still be relevant in 2023 and expect Elektron to double the polyphony and add sampling capabilities in a future update.

Intentions: Ambient dawless jams and Stranger Things theme covers…


everytime is see a picture of the A4 I think this Synthesizer has a lot to tell…

try to tune every Oscillator hard down even fine tune on the lowest octave and then dial in the pitch of the Oscillators from -18 to -16 to hear them Oscillating at their lowest or near lowest time it sounds awesome just for Vinyl crackling :moneybag:

and it can be used to kind of reset the oscillations when playing polyphonically



It’s when i saw that video that i really understood how deep the A4 can go:

Kinda matches what you’re describing…


Such a well thought out little machine.

Here’s some sounds after having it on for 20 minutes. One Syntakt midi track to sequence it, just sending it different notes that correspond to the 8 samples in a kit. So many modulation possibilities, including an internal LFO and midi learn that works immediately after turning a cc rotary on the Syntakt.

Intention is mainly to use it for making live loops of the two voices coming from my modular. Bonus to have a couple of samples on top of that - curious to see how well the granular mode will work for pads and textures.


I once tried replacing a DFAM. In the end I reacquainted two.


I’m not surprised! I really was hoping to find that I didn’t need it. But it’s just too unique. Sweet loops fall right out of the thing all day every day and it sounds like a million bucks. If that was the only filter I ever got to twiddle for the rest of my life I might still be happy. Truly more than the sum of its parts.

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Bought a Boss TU-3S chromatic tuner to free up a rack slot in my studio. It will be used to tune analog synth oscillators:


My Octatrack told me it wanted some company so I bought it one of these. Then they ganged up on me and said they wanted some side cheeks to share so I did that too. My intention is to keep doing whatever they tell me to.


UDO super 6 desktop.

It looks better in person and sounds better in person too.


Diamond combo

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