What's your latest purchase & what are your intentions with it? [pics ftw] (Part 2)

They are, after all, in charge. I have learned that much.


Hmm, that must work pretty well? I think I’d need a faderfox or similar for the Quadraverb, I rarely even touch the parameters and just go with the presets due to the UI.

Mutable Instruments Grids

The chaos knob is really hard to turn but I’ll be CVing it anyway so that should be fine.

I had a blast with it in MiRack but I thought: “these green fill knobs should be so much fun played live”, I couldn’t resist.

Looking forward to sequencing some Machinedrum tracks with it too!
I can record the created beats CV into my Hermod so happy accidents can be saved if necessary :slight_smile:

Intentions: Modulate everything


Sortof! You have to assign midi cc control per patch, which can be a bit of a fiddle to set up so I made a “template” patch and copy/pasted those over the first five or so program/preset slots so I’ll always have the same general parameters ready to tweak.

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Are those templates universally usable, if you wouldn’t mind sharing? There’s a midicontroller with faders and a midi host for sale for 100€, from someone who used them with Octatrack.

Two things. Conductive Labs MRCC, mainly for the purpose of incorporating the second thing, a Squarp Hapax, and also to “simplify” my setup.


I’d have to check on that and get back to you! I’m knee deep in work at the moment so I’ve had literally zero studio time for a few weeks. Once things settle down I’ll check it out!

Intention is to upgrade from the old 404 SX, enjoy making music without a computer on occasion, and finger drum during live performances :metal:


How did you find setting up the MRCC? I’ve considered getting it but it’s a bit intimidating

A bunch of 2nd hand CDs. Finally wanted to have Drukqs back on CD (bought it back in 2002 for the piano tracks and didn’t understand the other stuff at all!) and found quite a few good albums from the same seller so why not, right?


Ordered a Boss looper for my less-synthy daughter. She asked for a guitar and bass out of the blue one day, picked them up, and started playing her favorite songs in a matter of days. Gotta keep that going.


Genghis Tron’s on there. And while they used to have that math core sound, their new album nothing like that and is fucking incredible!

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Do you have a more-synthy daughter, or are you referring to yourself?


Agreed. Fantastic synth.

My latest purchase: a pair of K&M monitor stands. I should have done this years ago but utilities aren’t as fun as the next shiny thing. I also tried a pair of Gators but it was no contest.


My youngest daughter is synthy. There’s a pic in the Setups thread I think showing her new setup.

I have three daughters and one son. My son raps, and has two bands :slight_smile:

My oldest daughter hasn’t been bitten by the music bug though she LOVES music. There’s time. She’s 18.

Here’s my youngest daughter’s setup:

I just re-looked at this pic. If someone put this in front of me when I was 12…


It is really one of the most amazing pieces of software ever created!

I wish more people would try it.

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After a few weeks of anticipation, my Roland System-8 arrived a few days ago, and was taken out of the box this morning:

Overall, I am enjoying this synth more than anticipated. The cloud version was also purchased shortly after placing the order, which allowed me to create about 50 patches before its arrival.


DSI Tetr4 :slight_smile:

Apparently a programming heaven,
and just about to test it

It’s me, I’m the Synthy Daughter


Now you have to get her a Synthi, or at least a Syntrx.