What does it mean? What does it mean to you?

My username means love and kisses of course. What else could it mean?


idk I came up with it and forgot what it means


Wait, really?


fixed that for you.


In reality i’m Kablehead but Elektronauts feels like a game and here i’m a doctor in a wicked hospital. In this twisted and lovely world i’m Dr.K, the wacky doctor that needs your help from time to time.


Entirely mundane explanation, I’m afraid. “Solida” was my maternal grandfather’s last name. He was one of the best people I ever knew, so I adopted his surname. “Scot” (with one “t”) was a bit of whimsy with my signature back in my youthful days as an illustrator and it just stuck with me.


Nothing crazy really…
I have different aliases for my projects and i needed one that would fit with Electronic Music.

Melk is Norwegian for milk
( Google Trad told me so…( i’m not Norwegian but my favorite band is)).
So Neon Melk = Neon Milk.


Character in a Robert Rankin book (with obligatory misspelling).

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What’s your favorite band? I am not Norwegian either but I have strong ties to the country and have toured/vacationed there.


Sleepside is the title of a short story collection by Greg Bear (most famous for writing “Blood Music” and “Darwin’s Radio”). Not all of the stories work for me, but the title was incredibly evocative.

Sleepside Metro, my artist name, is an extension of that, plus an unfinished idea for a fictional metropolitan area based on Atlanta. I was going to call myself Sleepside OTP, but decided that was too local a reference


Thank you, that’s very kind. Things are improving slowly.
Been here before so I do know that it’s not forever.


My username is a random thing that a friend said when we were in high school — we were standing around coming up with stupid band names, making each other laugh, and he suggested Your Lamp. I don’t know why it stuck with me all these years but it’s just such a dumb thing to call a band I could never forget it. Now I kind of like it.


Definitely has a vice city quality to it, now that you mentioned it. I know that wasn’t your intention, and I never played any of those games much but that’s what comes to mind.

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Mine came from my first ever gig in the late 90s. Guy who booked me worked in a skate shop and got mixed up and thought my name was nik muzka and printed all the flyers and posters with it. I called in the next day to tell him that’s not my surname and he said he got it mixed up with the skater chad muska who was in an interview he had been reading and had stuck in his head. He liked to drink a lot

My next gig someone else used it because it was on the last flyer and it just stuck from there. To the point most people I meet just think it’s my real name

So no clever alternative meanings or anything, just a mistake that I went with


mine just my dj name i want

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Smashing pumpkins fan here :wink:


When you said “late 90’s” I already knew where the story was going and it was pure gold when the punchline hit.


My name is David, but only my bosses at work call me that.
Most people call me Dave.
Old friends and family call me Dava…

That’s it (almost…)

I originally signed up on here as Kusalamati, which is a name I took upon Buddhist ordination. As time drew on, I became less interested in putting this “out there” and largely withdrew from the outer trappings of Buddhism, including the use of my name (except among compadres who know me as such).


Sleepyhead/Sleepy became my artist name after sleeping through one of the biggest chances of my musical career.

It was back in 2011 when one of my favorite rap artists performed in my city. He is now one of the most famous rappers of all time but back then he was just starting out.

I ran a small studio with a couple of friends, whom were both on vacation at that moment. Someone we knew was the one that had booked said rap artist and he had the great idea to leave him at our studio for the day while waiting for the show which was at night. My friends told him they couldn’t open the door and he should call me, which he did, repeatedly throughout the morning. I was however asleep until 14.00 (partied hard the night before) so they went somewhere else…


These are fantastic and di-atomically opposed responses! I’m super interested in peoples stories that are being shared, thank you!

I like it better without the artists name! he isn’t trying to name drop, he is lampooning his own lethargia, that’s what makes it great!