Waldorf M

Pretty sure it’s a desktop or rack (or rackable desktop lol).

Several people have come forward during past weeks, all saying the same thing: hardware synth from Waldorf without keys coming.


Looks bigger and more expensive than I was hoping lol. Can’t wait nonetheless.

i wonder if its the filter bank from ages ago…
lots of disappointment if it is.

expecting a desktop module of the wavetable engine from quantum/ iridium.

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isn’t that one of the things that put them out of business in the late 90s early 00s? would be an odd choice to bring back that insane thing

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I’m assuming that was the AFB16? Like most, I assume, I never did understand how that thing got the green light.

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Image taken off eBay.


Does ebay have a price ?

This does look Waldorfy.

It’s probably a real leak.

It’s the Waldorf Miniworks, or maybe I didn’t get the joke?

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It’s a legit old thing Waldorf sold years ago.
I think they’re quite well regarded but I’ve never had one.

eBay prices are stupid , I’d pay about £150 to 200 , not 800+


Imho the AFB16 concept was pretty cool…16 analog filters in a box, integrated into software via usb with plugin control.

They also had these cool things. Waldorf Geckos

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Then it’s not a leak just a sale on ebay.

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Indeed, that’s what it is. The Miniworks had the same filters that were used in the Microwave.
Prices went nuts already years ago…

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Right, which sounds exactly like it was extremely expensive to produce and purchase. I never saw one in a studio so it stands to reason it was probably a huge sales flop that hurt Waldorf.

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Hmm, that’s the same ladder filter in the Pulse+.

$800 is ridiculous when you can find a Pulse+ for $500.


Wow ! That looks super. I wasn’t expecting so much detail, i thought another low info teaser.

OMG, this is, by far, the most exciting news about this years SB so far :heart_eyes:
