Waldorf Iridium (16-voice, duo-timbral Quantum desktop)

Great stuff!

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respected users … be carefully … don’t use a vesa-mount and let the synth hang on it … due it’s weight it bends the metal of the enclosure a bit too much, not in a harmful way but the display appeared to be leveled by a millimetre at the bottom

after i put the vesa away, the display went back in its place

oh man, i thought i bricked the Iridium but everything works fine :alien:


Did you contact Waldorf support? If they put a VESA mount on the back I would expect to be able to use without harming the synth.

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Hy phelios, i will contact Waldorf on this matter. It shocked me quite a lot.

In my opinion they should reinforce the backplate with another sturdy metal-plate inside over the length of the synth.

Funny you mentioned this because this morning I was looking into a Vesa Desktop stand for the Iridum (future purchase) and I saw a photo of the Iridium back panel holes. Immediately I thought it didn’t look sturdy enough.

I haven’t had any problems with mine on a vesa mount.

What are you seeing exactly?

I wish it had 100mm spaced holes as 75mm is quite small for a device this size.
I opted not to use spacers and cut the mounting plate so it had more surface area to contact.

A video from Rolf and Lukas, Waldorf.

I hoped to hear some news about firmware updates, this is more a promotional video.

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I agree, it was a good overview, but I was really hoping they would show something new.

My main request is a way to filter to only show things in the mod list that are active. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve mapped to the wrong osc param because it’s not in that mode. Even if they just bolded the text on active targets, it would be a big improvement.

I can see the logic of why it is that way as you can switch osc modes and it keeps all settings, which is nice. But having the mod list be 4 times longer because it always lists all osc settings is a strange design choice IMO.

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FWIW - I’m asking Waldorf about this so we can confirm the rate that CV works at.
Paul_XYZ on GS did some testing and found it may be as high as 11kHz Gearslutz - View Single Post - Waldorf Iridium

Hi there,

here’s a demo video of a sound pack I’ve just published for Iridium (and Quantum). It’s focussed on Dub & Melodic Techno, Ambient and Electronica. Maybe you find it interesting and if it’s only to hear Iridium in action.

If you even consider to buy this pack, make sure to use the Intro-Discount “MYOKARD” to get a 25 % off during checkout.
(and sorry for using this board for shameless-self-promo)


Once I can get my hands on an Iridium later this year I’ll certainly pick this up as well. Some lovely patches in there!


@Astrolab - I was wondering… if you had to pick one enhancement for the Iridium / Quantum synth engine what would it be?

Anyone can answer, just wanted to ping Astrolab as I’m been enjoying his delivered patches on the Iridium lately.

My most immediates would be:

  1. BPM-sync for envelopes, time-based grain params, kernels LFO’s.

  2. User-wavetables in Kernels.

  3. The ability to pull audio from the Right channel to feed a Particle engine with a grain poly count of 1.

  4. The ability to feed live audio through Resonator.


I would say … an improvement of the Resonator engine (more options to sculpt the sound), an even more accomplished sequencer (more steps, a more intuitive modulations mapping …), maybe new effects.

That’s pretty all, knowing that these synths are already milestones in the synthesizers history :pray:


+1 to this: I love the Resonator engine, but I find it easy to exhaust its possibilities. Maybe some waveguide options? More options to shape the exciter?

Re: effects, I would love to be able to use the Digital Former as an effect. Ideally, I’d like to be able to use one in the filter section and another in the effect section, but if that’s not possible, then route it to effects section.

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Wow that sounds great.

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Some enhancements I would like to see in the sequencer in a future firmware update :

  • 64 (or better 128 steps)
  • polyphonic per step
  • possible to latch the sequencer/arp with a external midi keyboard.

IE. Without the ability to quantize mod depths to musically relevant time values, it’s rather difficult to create dynamic patches while staying musical.

I want to love Iridium (and I often do), but it’s absolutely crippled in this regard:


Please excuse my ignorance here, but aren’t the LFO’s and Komplex modulator sync-able?
What techniques do you have in mind that do not work on the iridium?
For example, having an LFO at 1/8th beats driving the LPF to get a sidechaining-like effect.
I know the Iridium can do that, so is that not a “BPM-sync” modulation?

Also what can you do with BPM synced envelopes? The way I think about it, envelopes are triggered per note. I don’t have any synths that do synced envelopes, so please enlighten me, I’m genuinely interested :slight_smile:

Best regards,


As the buffer is constantly updating while in Live Granular mode, position effectively becomes delay, and not being able to filter out things like 1.7/8th notes (425ms @ 120), a slew of transients can easily get shifted off your desired grid.

One option for working around this is the param-sequencer, but as milliseconds are of course not influenced by BPM, you won’t be able to change the BPM mid-performance. Nor will one patch be suitable for more than one track, which could (and likely will) lead to a lot of similar patch programs for accommodating different BPM’s.

And even still, the param sequencer isn’t polyphonic, nor does the param sequencer have a random mode.

Another option would be to use KM, but I generally prefer to lock value shifts to gates. KM also doesn’t give you a modulate-able “phase offset” control which limits your ability to re-order the list.

As for envelope-stages, the same principle applies. Say you want to dial in an attack value of a quarter note. Fine. That’s easily done, but when you have the modulation overhead that Iridium gives you, I don’t ever feel satisfied with sticking to one articulation — this is especially true with chords.

Then enter looping envelopes. I’d love little more than to be able to discretely address and modulate lengths of stages while staying confined to values that are musically relevant to the track I’m producing.

Bonus qualm:

  • Why isn’t the envelope delay param a potential mod destination?