Waiting for our Syntakts to arrive

Or unhappy people returning it

I have used it now for 5 days and I don’t think it is Elektron best machine to date

Looks like mine was indeed released and just caught a flight to a certain west coast city

Wishing y’all the same luck.


Mine just made it to Charles de Gaulle. We’ll see how it goes from there … :grimacing:

Edit: Well that was quick. It has now departed Charles de Gaulle and is in transit. :cool:


And now my metal baby is in Paris. Go go go!


I’ve had mine 5 days and I think it’s Elektron’s best machine for me to date.

I can totally see how it’s not for everyone though.


These are the takes I love to hear. It’s just fun to hear when people are stoked about something, especially when it’s an instrument and it’s all about making cool stuff.

I’m not getting a Syntakt but I’m rooting for all of your who are dealing with delivery issues. May your Syntakts arrive swiftly, be sure to share lots of jams.


I think i like more Model Cycles

I can really venute more on the Model Cycles than the Syntakt

I can get into more wild territories and unusual rhythm

Maybe I should have it for a bit lore time

Right now I was thinking to replace it with an A4 MK2

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Fingers crossed for fast and safe travels.

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I’m on edge waiting for my syntakt lol. Pre-ordered sunday and they said it’ll be 1 to 2 weeks. I am hoping much shorter time! Love to get my hands on it and play it along with my digitone and mpc one etc…


I seriously cannot with this bullshit

Holy crap it’s in Newark! I’ve never been more excited about Newark in my life.


Hard to believe it’s actually here in town and that I might have it tomorrow. Go figure, I have a pretty full workday tomorrow so won’t get much chance to play with it, but at least it should be in my possession tomorrow.


I get what you’re saying. I’m definitely not sure about the tone machine on Syntakt. I’m sure I could get it to do way knarlier stuff on the Cycles than I’m currently getting on the Syntakt. Probably just need more time with it though.

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You’ll likely never be that excited about Newark again.


Looks like mine is finally on its way! Tracking says it should be here in Japan 9 May. :open_mouth:

I wonder if I should start planning an Oude Meer track soon or if it can travel this way around Earth on schedule?


I want an Oude Meer tshirt
:womans_clothes: :point_left:


Australian stock arrived today, will dig in tonight!


To be fair, one of the first shows I ever played was in Newark back in 2008. So technically, I’ve been excited for Newark twice in my life. But you’re right, probably never again.

I’m on the right looking like a goddamn baby.


Holy :poop: How much do they cost in Japan?

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Nice to see there are some other East Midlands people in this group, seems to be quite a few people from our area.

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