Using External Drum Pads as Trigger for AR

Use the 12 lowest MIDI notes (on any channel). See pages 15-16 of the manual.

Is it possible to have different # notes (from the spd-s pads) play different tracks on the rytm?

I don’t know the SPD-S but in the SPD-SX you can assign different Midi notes to each pad. 0=BD, 1=SD, 3=RS/CP and so on.
By the way, I solved the triggering problem. There is a gate option in the pad menus of the Roland device which I had to set to max. Now it works perfect. Playing the AR like a drum kit is so much fun!


I’ve been able to get my Yamaha DTX-MULTI 12 to trigger the AR. One pad per voice just using the 12 lowest MIDI notes.

how do you get it to play the kick?
i played with it but couldn’t get below c#-2, and the kick is hardwired to c-2

Got it! Assigned the midi 01-12 on the spd-s = Rytm. Tweaked the threshold on the spd-s trigger sensitivity. Perfect. It work like a dream.


Thanks for this. I emailed customer support about this problem a while back and they didn’t know how to help me. I will test this soon and report if it also solved my exact same issue.


You’re welcome! Does anybody know if it is possible to midi map live rec on/off?

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It’s not possible to do so, unless it’s in Elektron’s undocumented SysEx implementation.

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I just tested my RYTM with the Roland SPD-SX and adjusted the gate settings. I could not get rid of the occasional missing trigger problem. Has anyone else experienced this and found a proper solution? I have an open ticket with support. They know of the problem but seem to have no solution.

Do you have the newest OS (1.06) on the SPD-SX?

I tried this configuration again yesterday. Go to the Kit Menu of the SPD-SX an turn on EXT CONTROL. Then adjust GATE to 0.1 s. Do that for every pad. Check if Overbridge Mode on the AR is off. Change Midi Input to MIDI and click the Midi receive options and use the same Midi Channel for both devices. Now, you should be able to trigger really fast notes on the SPD-SX. The short gate lenghts allows you to use ‘live rec’ via SPD-SX which is very usefull. Don’t forget to save the settings as a Kit on the SPD.
It was alot of try and error to figure out how it works. The Roland manual is not really informative.


Thanks for taking the time to work on this. I really appreciate the help.

  1. I have been on 1.04 and meaning to get to 1.06, but haven’t really prioritized it as the updates seem only related to the addition of specs for new external triggers offered by Roland. I plan to update it tonight!

  2. Indeed, last week during my testing of the GATE settings, I hadn’t been fully aware of the effect EXT CONTROL has on them. It’s not intuitive if you don’t have the manual in front of you… and frankly… it’s not intuitive if you do! I’ll check it out. It’s good to hear that you have it working at 0.1s. I was afraid that having to turn it way up would screw up really fast note playing.

Thanks again for the help!

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You’re welcome. I can play double strokes and the two devices trigger the notes without latency. It works perfect. Let me know, if you need some more help. Good luck!

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I’ve used Yamaha DTX400k with my AR.

It is really cool to play drums using more real pads and drumsticks.

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I’ve just sent a response to customer support directing them to this thread. Hopefully our efforts produce a reliable fix (or workaround) to this problem. I included this paragraph:

“It would however be interesting to know what the actual technical problem is. My guess is that the SPD-SX is sending out very tight timing of the note on and note off messages. It’s possible that the RYTM cannot listen as quickly as some of the most extreme triggers are being sent. It would explain the situation where I am inserting a DAW in between the two and it corrects the problem. The computer using the DAW probably has no problem recognizing even the most extreme triggers (as well as the DSI Tempest and others) and as it receives them, it then regenerates outgoing triggers to match, which probably have been regenerated to be not faster than what the RYTM can handle. I assume this would be great technical information for you to attain for future problem solving that may be related to the same issue, but may not be as easily correctable on the generating side of the MIDI note on and off messages. The SPD-SX offers quite granular control of these settings that not much other gear offers… at least in this regard.”

Here’s hoping they can get to the core of the problem from the perspective of the RYTM and how it should be listening to outside MIDI!

I think, it is not elektrons fault. The Roland manual just does not explain situations like these. And you don’t find a lot of informations about the SPD-SX online. As I said, these two devices work very well together and even the colors fit perfect. I wish to have the possibility to save kits on the AR without the need of a pattern and being able to switch “live rec” and “scenes” on and off via Midi.

I certainly am not putting Elektron at fault for anything. Having devices made by different companies work well together is always a two way street. In this case, however, I have used a DSI Tempest and other external gear in the exact same way with the SPD-SX and never had to mess with the gate settings when simply triggering a sound. I don’t mind changing the settings of the SPD-SX in a way that helps the situation, I’m just suggesting to Elektron that understanding this unique problem may prove valuable in the future.

As far as other control via MIDI… I totally agree. I don’t think Elektron or DSI make these boxes with live external pad performance as a priority. I myself have my SPD-SX sitting next to my acoustic drum kit and use it as a performance bridge between improv sequenced electronic and live acoustic drum performance. One thing I have asked DSI for is that the tap tempo would listen for an external note for it’s control. I could then set one of the SPD-SX pads to have the ability to tap in a new tempo on the fly. Now… you can do this directly on the SPD-SX… but it does not send clock out so it cannot act as a MIDI master clock device. Anyway… the struggle to get the perfect set up is real. :wink:

I updated to 1.06 and changed my EXT CONTROL and GATE settings last night. Everything is working well. When performing a very quick roll on an external drum pad it will miss some things… but other than that, for typical use, it works very well! Thanks again for the help.

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Good to hear that it works now. Maybe you have to adjust the trigger threshold or the pad sensitivity a little bit.

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It seems many of you are using SPDSX into AR. Would anyone be willing to list set up steps? I can’t seem to get it working. SPDSX to AR using midi cable.