Torso T1 Algorithmic Sequencer

Yeah, and while I have luckily never been screwed over by a Kickstarter, they usually end up taking longer than anticipated.

And I got the 6 month estimate from them on a social media post today. They are quick to reply, which is nice. I definitely like the form factor and features, but I just don’t think I want my money tied up in this kind of wait at the moment. And I agree, the early bird discount is nice, but not significant enough for me to wait that long.


So it’s 4 hours past midnight in København – still no change at Kickstarter.

Can’t be to much longer. Start that sequencer.

@Jukka They announced 1400 CET


Thanks – so like 8 AM Eastern Time in the USA. Start that sequencer.


he has one already - :joy:

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you best believe we need to get in early on that earlybird

I want one and will be funding the Kickstarter.

It will play beautifully with the KordBot in my studio - one for generating algorithmic percussion and the other for coming up with classical chord progressions and arpeggios.

It’s a really good time for making music. :smiley:

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It’s live 5 minutes early, folks!

Who snagged the early birds? I jumped in with 20 left.

I think I was pledge 3 for that. This was at 1356 CET

got one too around the same time :slight_smile:

6 months is a bummer for sure though :frowning:

Well they’ve got a lot to do. Loopop listed quite a few things yet to be done. And they need to include the USB change you requested – oh and i think you want more features too. I don’t see a mention of stretch goals on the KS site. They seem to be selling well enough to do stretch goals.

And BTW the 6 months is an estimate.


Yeah I backed too. Great video by Loopop and as he mentioned it will also be possible to use the T-1 as a midi effect for external midi devices which is a big additional feature.
Glad to see that more than the double of the goal amount has been reached!

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Yeah, I’m more than happy to wait. This looks as close to a “perfect for me” sequencer as I’ve come across, and I’ve been through several years, thousands of dollars, and many buy/sell cycles of sequencers :stuck_out_tongue:


He does good features / reviews. Happy to see him getting gear.

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Looks cool! But it’s kind niché, since it’s a generative tool foremost and sequencer second. No way to save anything ? So mainly for coming up with ideas or live performance right ?

There are [savable] 16 patterns per bank in 16 banks, and you can load projects via software. It was in the features overview video.


I didn’t find much more details on the projects - any idea if multiple are stored on board like on Elektrons?