Torso T1 Algorithmic Sequencer

I always appreciate when people respond contentfully to others’ opinions rather than characterize others’ opinions. First rule of online civility, to my mind.

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You called it “particularly misguided”, based on that you don’t personally find any need for it. I don’t find it uncivil to note that your preferences are not the whole of how persons are inspired.

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I’d be interested in your nuanced opinion of what’s misguided and not about the device’s engineering.

Nothing’s misguided about it.

I’m confused why you’re even in this thread at all besides to bash on other people’s work just because it doesn’t appeal to you.

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Knobs and a simple, consistent workflow speak to me. I’m just less inspired with most iOS apps, if you’re not interested and content with your apps, i’d never convince you to spend money on something you don’t need.

why is this thread being derailed by ipad chat? they’re not releasing an app, nothing about the hardware has anything to do with ios. take it to the ipad thread.


Word. This has gotten way off track.


I just noticed that the power connector is micro-USB rather than mini-USB or USB-C. This is really disappointing to see - micro-USB jacks are so easily damaged :expressionless:


Model:Cycles has micro usb too and personally I have no worries about that.

Cycles isn’t powered by it. You don’t have to worry about losing master clock because the center pin of the micro USB port has worn out or corroded. It’s a fairly common problem with Android phones till certified USB-C cables.


Of course, my bad.

Anyone tempted by early bird prices: 400 EUR / 446 USD ?

They released another video, this one with Digitakt, D-05 and Eurorack.

We’re at Kickstart minus 7 (days) and counting.


I am for sure.

If I can get in at that price, I’m very interested. Curious what time of that day it will go live.

That would be good to know, and also how many “a limited amount of early bird offers” really is ? Will they sell out in ten seconds, or be up for days ? It’s impossible to say.

They’re in Denmark so is it midnight on the 7th in Denmark time ? Perhaps there will be more information later in the week from KS.


Oh heck yes. And that video was Awesome (with a capital A). The interface looks really quick for coming up with motifs that just sound good.


This thing… I agree, from looking at the videos it seems really promising. I might get two if there is a discount involved for buying a pair

I reached out and asked about the micro USB port-

Hi! We are still considering a few different updates to the hardware - One of them is changing to USB C - we will probably make it as a stretch goal for the Kickstarter



Excellent. I hope this has some active devs behind it, i’d love to see it get even quirkier. I still somewhat want the Toraiz Squid but it needs more firmware love it sounds like.

I expect to see more support here than with the Squid. The Toraiz Squid was released by Pioneer DJ, which has had a very spotty history of firmware and post-release support. One only need to look at some of the worst critical system crash bugs on the CDJ2000NXS’s and CDJ2000NXS2’s that still haven’t been fixed, years later…

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