Torn between first real synth

I make pop/trap music and I do love using the digitakt on my weekends for experimenting, but have not yet implemented it with VSTs, I’m not a fan.

I also have a Behringer Neutron but I just sequence that from the DAW.

Ideally I would like a super inspiring synth. I loved the Blofeld but I just can’t deal with the encoder issues anymore or risk that amount of money for frustration.

So far I was looking at the DSI Rev02 16 voice, the Nov Peak, and the Virus TI’s + Modal Argon for wavetable.

I heard the Argon does not have retrigger so it gets fatiguing very easy to the ears which makes sense because my favourite soft synth doesn’t have it and it bugs me sometimes.

Some Virus TIs are so expensive but it’s about something I can’t really accomplish with a VST.
Although I would like a Subsequent 37, the Neutron is my bass machine for now. One thing I didn’t want for a polysynth is something thats always dirty like the Neutron,or something that is too clinical.

I basically want something inspiring that I can mix with Dune3, Omnisphere, and Electric Guitar that will not be overkill or buggy. Waldorf Iridium cool, but its too deep.

Same reason I got Digitakt instead of MPC one, if I wanted that functionality I would just use DAW.


DSI REv02 or some other DSI for modern pop?
Modal Argon or some used Virus TI or somethign else?

Liked the micromonsta but I’m just going to save up and get something for real next month for birthday.

Edit: I did so much reading but I always trust what you guys have to say compared to other forums.

Have you considered the Hydrasynth or the A4? Those are what I’m looking at grabbing next for similar purposes, I use Omnisphere a lot and have a couple bread and butter synths but those seem like the next step in terms of sound design possibilities that I couldn’t do with Omni

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I have both the Rev2 and the Novation Peak. Love both (although the Rev2 has been leaning against the wall for a while now). If I would recommend one to start with, I’d go peak.


I’ve been thinking about my first big boy analog (have a Sirin, amongst other things). Was considering rev2, polybrute, and prophet 10. I watched a lot of videos and listened to a lot of sounds. For me, I will be taking the p10 first (that’s right I’ll be back for you pb) because it’s just so damn perfect. But I don’t care about finishing songs. The journey makes me happy and damn does that sound amazing.

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All great instruments. But wouldn’t the Rev2 being analog give it a difference against the VST stuff you use? That would be a consideration for me.

A4 yes but didn’t really get captured by any demo or track friends showed me.

YOu have any novation peak favourite demos? I cannot find anything so if you have songs up ill listen

Love the Sirin yet people always try to charge so much compared to Moog Minitaur for me.
Send some favourite demos everything i’ve been seeing on these things is bladerunner preset pads. Looking at the P5 module as well but not sure.

@psychetropic Good call, I feel it will help sit in the mix with all the FM and Serum

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Rev2 all the way

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Meh. I’ve never used the extra octive for Sirin and you have bass covered. You aren’t missing out that much.

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Edit: just realised there was a proper list. My bad.

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+1 for the Peak. Hydrasynth is an awesome bit of kit too but I find the Peak interface more immediate. They both sound good but the FX, especially the reverb, on the Peak are brilliant.

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At the risk of being accused of spamming this is a playful ‘cover’ all done on the Peak.

Honestly, I don’t think it matters that much what your first synth is as long as it introduces you to general synth functionality.

The chances are that whichever one you get you will either add to it or swap it as you develop/learn more… so I would say the key is to just get yourself on the board and in the game.

But, I would also agree with the Peak as a fantastic synth and learning tool.


Can’t go wrong with a Peak or a Rev2. Both are great. Just pick which one you prefer the sound or interface of and go with that.

At this point, for you, I wouldn’t recommend Hydra and would strongly urge you to avoid an A4. And the Modal sounds very meh to me.


Why rev2 over p10?

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Price. Bi-timbrality.

The Rev2 is a Benz. The p10 a Bentley.


comparing the two: P10 is over double the price, has no effects, no bi-timbrality, no arp, no sequencer, no sub-osc, three less LFO’s, one less envelope, less modulation flexibility overall and less voices. not to mention $4300 is quite a lot for a first synth.

the P10 certainly has more character, it’s just less flexible; especially for a first synth. so the obvious solution is buy a Rev2 now and a P10 in a few years :crazy_face:

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Dont get me wrong, I love Sequential stuff (Pro One, PEK and MEK here) but don’t overlook the wavetable capabilities of the Peak vs Rev 2 which has DCO’s. (Although you can ‘PWM’ all of the Rev 2 waveforms).

Don’t want to open the analogue vs digital debate but suffice to say Peak oscillators are NCO’s and they’re very good. Even for a novice the wavetable element opens up a ton of new sounds and is good to learn/experience IMO. You do get splits and layers with the Rev 2 and you’ll have to go down the Summit route if that’s important to you.


this is honestly the first thing that is making me consider it.

I am not super picky with Analog vs Digital, but mostly just looking for inspiration.

For example I am not the best keyboard player but still enjoy it yet love having something right in front of me on the table (in my current case, neutron).

I had no idea it has wavetable