The Syntakt Feature Request Thread

No need for testing. Elektron Devices are always sending out clock, regardless of the sequencer running or not. (Contrary to a MPC for example, which only sends clock when running). So, this receiving feature of the A4 does not work with other elektron devices…


Ooook so for a preroll we basically just have to let the pattern play through once before live recording?

I typically use the noise portion of the Bits machine for digital hats although you’re limited on how bright you can make it. Seems like there’s still a good amount of high freq roll off with the machine.

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Thanks- i’ll try this.

Yep. MD and OT have an offset parameter for start in their song mode.

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You can set up pre-roll in the Metronome.

But the preroll doesn’t apply to the midi transport messages. I have an DT (master) and AK. With a preroll of 1 bar on the DT, when I start the pattern the AK will start playing immediately.

… or use sy bits with detuned square waves and FM them with square waves …


Dose the syntakt have key tracking on filters?

Yeah, it does.

Thanks for the reply how do you activate key tracking on filters?


I would like FX TRACK filter keytrack, and being able to set notes, velocity, modulations…
All SETUP fonctions…

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Thanks so much

Is it possible on one track to have one sound loaded sat a kick but then parameter lick a snare for example on 5th and 13th beat?

Soundpool? :wink: (Page 28 of the manual)

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I just had a thought. Maybe you could “print” an LFO, i.e turn its effect into P-Locks in order to free up an LFO.


I really wish that you were able to add/remove tracks from the headphone out, allowing you to have either a cue or an auxiliary send.


Possible with a midi track with an lfo, record it with midi loopback. Steppy of course…
Or simply record knobs movements. That’s what I do for panning.


i’d love a transpose function
e. g. transpose the notes/triggers of selected track(s) on selected page(s)


I would love this too, but it seems like a hardware limitation. I could be wrong, but I imagine the headphone circuit and master out circuit are both post dac on the board.