The Syntakt Feature Request Thread

On the Digitakt, muted tracks are unlit, unmuted tracks are half lit when holding FUNC, and fully lit in mute mode. Since I’m always in mute mode, I don’t really have any experience with the half-lit mute buttons in quick mute. In normal mode, the blinking track buttons are pretty extreme, but in mute mode they’re a lot more muted (pun intended). I find the blinking a really nice aid when trying to figure out which track is playing which sample. If a track is blinking a soft purple every step, I’m pretty sure it’s the hihat track muted in local mode before even listening. Or if a track is blinking soft green at 5 and 13, it’s likely the snare muted in global mode.

off topic

This is the sort of feedback I’m missing from the A4 and Digitone, though the Digitone has blinking buttons in mute mode but not in normal mode. And unfortunately you can’t select tracks while in mute mode, you have to exit out of mute mode to do it. Ok, done being off topic :smiley:


I’m also having problems with understanding Quick Mute states, why are they half lit?

What is even the point of differentiating the LED style from Mute Mode, why not use the same?

They affect the same function, it doesn’t matter how I mute a track, I know that I’m in quick mute because I’m holding the button :sweat_smile:




My feature request would be,
Holding down FUNCTION and BANK, then pressing NO/YES to mute and unmute all tracks.

To those requesting solo mode, it is the same as mute, just starting with all the tracks muted, so each track button turns on a track.
No need for a special solo mode.


Portamento please! thank you.


Happened to me twice today (first day I have the Syntakt)

Hey mate. Yes it’s a bug. We need master compressor for these great sounds don’t u think?

my vote to turning off led for unused pages and muted tracks.


++. And master comp with sc. Will make the analog heat lite a total unit.


Side Chain I guess ?
Should be possible à la Digitakt.

I’d love the possibility to send tracks both to MAIN and FX TRACK but I’m not sure if it’s possible standalone…

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It didn’t bother me on Digitakt but on Syntakt leds look quite soggy and at low intensity setting I hardly can tell the difference between on and off (page leds for example 1:2 2:4 etc). Or muted channels even worse

After years of my Digitakt being alone, Syntakt just arrived, and with that, 12 more tracks to that I need to re-arrange in my head. Having a really hard time to know if track 9 is a kick, a hat, or a the bass.

I would like to have the option to color code my tracks, kicks brown, hats yellow, fx white and so on… I’m not even sure the hardware would support this, but anyways, here’s me hoping for they take this up on the 2.0 versions.

In other topics, what are your tricks for track sound arrangement now that you have 12 more tracks?

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For a “permanent” setup I’d use adhesive. For color changes I’d prefer different colors for muted tracks, pattern vs track selection vs keyboard modes (these are all white).

There is a feature request thread.

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FX track Amp envelope used for ducking is already better than classic SC imo

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Why better? They both produce different result. I like sequencing the FX block track it makes sidechain kinda. It’s different sound from a comp though.

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Right now I think the only way to know is going to that track and then hitting “syn” page and it’ll show on screen which machine it’s using. Not idea for live of course, that’s when the brain comes in to remember things lol.

I’m not trying to be funny but for ease of use, couldn’t you just use the same set up every time? For example, the kick is always track 9, the snare is always track 2, the bass is always track 4, etc.

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you may want an analog kick, and in the next project you need all 3 analog voices for dual VCO and a digital kick on track 1. Wouldn’t put this as a needed feature (I wouldn’t need to color code) but you can see where he’s coming from

A feature that would considerably speed up my workflow is the ability to set “Machine Locks” in addition to Sound Locks, allowing the sound to shaped on the fly per-step, instead of adding stuff to the pool first (and yes, a filter for “loadable sounds” in the sound browser as previously asked)


I thought about this today. Btw you can use a Soundlock with the machine you want, and plock all it’s parameters, or use live recording to modify specific parameters on the whole track, for all trigs, Soundlocks.