The Syntakt Feature Request Thread

One feature I’d like to see on all Elektron devices is a master volume on the mixer page (preferably that’s automatable). This would really help in leveling patterns across a single project/live set!


There is the pattern volume (at least on Syntakt and DN) which acts as a master volume setting per pattern on the mixer page.


it’s not just that haha, it’s a nifty feature as you can fill up your sequence with the right notes (without the actual triggers) and build the sequence by adding and removing triggers as you go.

yea those two requests might have been redundant :slight_smile: (slight smile :-))


:man_facepalming:Wait, seriously? How did I overlook that?

Checking the manual and I don’t see it on the mixer page. Will check on my ST after work but in the meantime where is it?

Yes, I’m pretty sure it doesn’t exist on ST.
I use it a lot on DN so it was one of the first things I looked for and was disappointed to discover it absent

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Hopefully it’s on the soon to be added master compressor page like the DT :slight_smile:

Pattern Volume!

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This was a learning curve for me going from beat step pro where nothing deletes unless you specifically tell it to delete (or you turn the device off). I think I have gotten used to Elektron’s method though, if it were changed you would need a new way to delete trigs or a new way to add blank/default trigs. I could see it being really powerful for performance, but I imagine it would confuse quite a few Elektronauts if the default functionality changed.

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Sorry, my mistake ! I was sure it exists on Syntakt

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This times 1000

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Would like to see more robust A:B Trig Condition options, ones that weren’t focused so much on notes skipped but rather notes played. In other words, ones that:

Played the first two times, then skipped once
Played the first three times, then skipped once
Played the first four times, then skipped once, etc.

Then maybe another set with the same thing, but instead of skipping once it skipped twice.

I realize the options are nearly endless, but at the same time adding more would only make the sequencing that much better, and it seems like it would be relatively easy to add.

Could maybe be a new A:B option, with a line over it (like the other Trig Conditions have), with the A representing how many times it played before moving on to B which would represent how many times it then skipped.

Trig Conditions are great. They could be greaterer. :slightly_smiling_face:


I wanted to add that I did pwM on day one with my syntakt last week and you can get extra thick pulse width mod going with a second lfo on another parameter that’s not waveform. Forgot to reply to the actual guy but I can post my PWM YM AY SID whatever chip turn patch somewhere. I gotta go check my patch but it’s really easy you just need to keep the waveform in the pulse width range from 15-75% duty cycle.


I’m not the first or the last but I’d love some more fx block fx.

I’d love some SRR/BRR and a chorus in particular.

A spitty, low sample rate esque kick is what I’m wishing I had on the ST. If anyone has a recipe, let me know.


Use Syn Bits, detune on -0,3, balance on 127, decay on 59, wave on 0, srr on 54, brr on 12 and distorsion on 127. Root note on D2. LFO1 set on exp waveform, one shot, dest to tune, mult 64, a lot of depth and voilà, here is a lo fi dirty digital kick :slight_smile:

You can add the second set on exp waveform, one shot and dest to balance with negative depth to create a kind of white noise transient (but I don’t like it so much…).


Ah yeah this is great. Still plenty tweakable too.

Another EXP env on BRR for some sizzle on the transient is kind of fun too.

Looks like I’ll have to join the SY Bits only challenge.

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Yes and with an exp enveloppe on detune parameter, it creates a very fat kick :slight_smile:

Ok, I’m probably not the first to say this, but having an extra digital filter on top of the analog filter for tracks 9-12 would be so sweet.


Would be awesome to be able to link a track to another track’s sequencer, this way it’d way easier and faster to layer sounds and then tweak the sequence without having to do it on every layer’s sequencer.


Was listening to an Album today that was pretty much made on the Machinedrum and it was full of Special Kick Sounds.
Syntakt has 1 Digital Kick Machine and it is boring standard. I think it should have more Machines in this regard. Where is the crazy stuff?


With the exponential LFO shape all the machine become kick machines


I would like a summer mode.

A mode where this fucker isn’t so hot, while I have the doors and windows shut so as not to bother my neighbours.