“The misogyny at Moog”

I genuinely appreciated their representation in marketing, in addition to noncismale exclusive lineups at their music fests. They went beyond and I don’t think it was all totally cynical; I think it came from a genuine place.

But clearly that was the extent of it and they didn’t have any interest in working on themselves.

I’m just starting to believe that they tried to project this image BECAUSE they had this internal toxic environment they did not want anyone to come sniff into.

They could have just hired a flashy advertisement agency for their new image. I mean who exactly is “Moog” anyway? Not Bob Moog, hah. How can a corporation have values? It’s a competely fake concept.

I honestly don’t know what they were thinking with this behavior. They’re in Ashville ffs, word on misogynistic business environment will 100% spread (I’m surprised it wasn’t sooner).

But I don’t think it was to cover it up. I think they thought they’re PR was good enough. Again, people too - not just corps - think they can say the pretty words and not do the harder work of changing their internal structures. This is what happens when you believe that.

Pretty much share this view. Best we can hope for is that the veneer of Corporate Social Responsibility might be more than putting lipstick on a pig and actually do something at least a little bit useful.

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Yeah, sure, I know I’m getting into conspiracy territory and that there is no proof of cause and effect. But if we have to assume that any company past a certain “success” is 100% amoral and cynical, then why not take the idea to its logical end?

I can’t even imagine that the place described in the article can be the same one where an idea like this is totally genuine.

I’ve watched victims “get their story out there”. I’ve watched them have to delete themselves from Social Media due to the most horrendous trolling. I’ve watched them retract statements, I’ve even watched victims be pursued by Police for “wasting their time” (it doesn’t just happen on Netflix shows).
This woman’s name is out there now. I just hope she’s ready for the very vivid depictions of what every Moog Stan on the internet wants to do to her.

I hope it doesn’t make her retract her allegations or take an unfair settlement. Going up against a corporation and all their lawyers and PR department is bad enough, but trying to do that whilst dealing with the internet in full hate mode is almost impossible.


Values are ultimately based on feelings, and naturally any company or corporation does not have feelings. People working there are not in for life, they’re there to make money for themselves and for the company. If you want a company that operates based on values, it’s always a non-profit. The logical end doesn’t mean we should always assume a corporation is doing the opposite of what they’re saying in their advertising, because that would project human behaviour on a corporate entity. They just do what do they to make more money, period. A corporation that runs an ad campaign based on inclusivity and woke values might just as well run their offices based on those values as not.

I thinks it’s super easy for people to post the rainbow on their feeds and genuinely think they’re doing the work and then completely fail in some serious way later. It’s all too easy. And common. They’re genuine and mean well but not going all the way.

This is so complicated to navigate, because for the sake of the victim I agree with you.

But isn’t it also playing into the patriarcal system that she shouldn’t tell her story because of the potential abuse? It seems a lot like when people say women shouldn’t wear something because of the potential harassement in the street.

But I see where you come from and I can’t deny I agree with the need to keep the victim safe.

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All valid, but if the victim retracts, then there’s no more story to tell, it gets buried and she’s dismissed as a liar, or worse, hysterical.

Right. And she is an adult from Ashville in 2021 I think she has a good sense of the minefield she’s walking into.

well this is a bummer to read, and that recent Daniel Fisher video everyone seemed so chill, a fair few ladies in team lead roles doing the demos and stuff. Be interested to hear the wider organisations stance or whether this is an isolated situation or not. hope they all work it out

Interesting… I wonder what your opinion would be if Behringer did something like this :slight_smile:

Trust me when I say I doubt she does.
I doubt anybody would.

Obviously she’s an adult and can do what she wants, I’m just concerned that it will end up her that’s left broken when the mob moves on to the next headline, because, in my experience, that’s exactly what happens in cases like this.


Hopefully she’ll get that 1 million and force Moog to fire that dickwad. There’s at least that to be gained.


Mmmmm idk. I have a feeling this will go down differently.

But I understand your concern.

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Exactly the same. I have no qualms with Behringer.I don’t buy their products, but that not because I have any negative feelings towards the company…

I hope you’re right.

Problem is we’ll all have moved on and forgotten about this in a couple of weeks. She’s gonna be living with the fallout of this for the rest of her life.

I think you raise an interesting point…

Me and my wife discuss this quiet frequently and it’s apparent that we as men have to step up as well and call out this sort of behavior irl and online.