“The misogyny at Moog”

Now I can’t watch that and not feel like it’s totally disingeous.

From the information in the article (and please correct me if I’m wrong) there are 20 women and 180 men working at Moog (10% of 200 employees) and we see 6 women and 6 men in this video. So Moog actually put one third of their women employees and 3% of their men employees in front of the camera to look better.

Feels almost like a Michael Scott move. Actually it would be better if it was “just” a Michael Scott move.


Bro I’m ready to go to the mats on IG today.


:grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: I like your spunk :laughing:

It helps distract from what I actually have to do. # armchairactivism

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My question is are you ready for Twitter?

I have respect enough for my mental health to not be on that cesspool.

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Good call :laughing:

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Did the author interview 180 men and ask their sexual preference for this opinion presented as fact? Or is this just a setup for a virtue signaling BS, signaling the tone of this article.

I’m not justifying or defend moog here. I wasn’t there. I don’t know what did or didn’t happen but I had to come back after reading this line from the start of the article.


Welp, virtue signalling mentioned. What virtue was the article exactly signalling? Which one is the one where you call out someone when they physically abuse a coworker or the company for not doing anything about it?



I don’t know bro ask the writer. But it’s some agenda to not believe a newspaper reporting on an electronic synth manufacturer having a huge gender disparity within their staff.


“Jokes like that rarely just stay jokes.”

More opinion presented as fact


I’m not arguing that moog was good or bad. I would take the bet that the the alleged suit is correct and that she wins.

My problem is with the journalism reporting “facts” to present Moog as bad without actually having facts. My problem is with the journalism skewing minds before someone is convicted. And the damage that does if they are innocent.

The person bringing the suit absolutely should do this.


I agree! This things should be talked about, especially if nothing changes from the above (management, lawsuits). But the lawsuit has just been filed, right?

That was funny. I’ve explained my problem with the reporting.

Gender disparity at companies can be because of sexist motives. Or maybe not that many women apply? Are 10% of the applications women?


Maybe the victim reported it? Maybe the reporter checked all their IGs?

It’s pretty clear that not talking about these things, just letting the courts decide meaning letting the company settle everything with money and sweep it under the rug without any real change to their policy has not stopped workplace harrassment. Sure that story was opinionated, but that’s American media for you. I would have left the names out, but otherwise it’s a solid piece of journalism and definitely worth publishing, especially since Moog has kind of embraced inclusivity in their advertising.

Not talking about these things in public only helps the abusers and the corporations. Same as not talking about how much we make or tax returns.


Well, considering the reported environment there, maybe it doesn’t come off as a great place for women to work? Maybe around the Asheville area it’s known as a “Boys Club”. Maybe the local community knows of the type of people who work there. Maybe Brandon is wellllll known.

I kind of agree that the ratio of m/f is not really that relevant, too many variables as to why that could be the case, and it does not help to make a big point about it, if anything it makes the average person roll their eyes.

Some industries attract mainly males and others attract mainly females, of course it goes without saying that gender should never be a barrier to entry in any industry, doubtless some might argue that there are gender based reasons for this, which is probably true, we don’t know individuals reasons for choosing a career path, but as long as it is possible and welcoming for all in a given industry or company then positions should be filled on merit of the applicant and nothing else, certainly not quotas just to make for good PR.


It’s relevant only because Moog has used inclusivity in their advertising so heavily. Had they not, they would be just another tech company with 90% male employees.