The Digitakt Feature Request Thread

French, Italian, Boston, etc… different per step with lfo destination please! :grinning:


I don’t see slicing happening, but maybe allowing quantizing the start point to 1/16th, 1/32nd of the sample length, etc. would be a good compromise.


A slice mode would be really nice. Or at least a way to mark a few start points in a sample.

Also, is there a way to save all the data of the DT onto a computer? If not, it has to be request number one.


Nothing wrong with wanting something like that in 2017.

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Tell Elektron :wink:

  1. usb mass storage : for copying file, project, retrieving sample. usb mass storage will works in ten years and more, so it’s the good protocol

  2. slice : ok multiple start point, end point in a sample

  3. “kit”, not mandatory for a clean pattern, but it can help to decide to create/load a kit. Like a template

  4. a mk2 version with a “standard” sd/cf slot, because, yes, I think, this kind of gear need this, and a lot of french people in a well known french forum, ask a lot of weird question about this weird design choice ?! So yes next time put a emmc chip, but an aditional export/load on sd card. No problem to stop the audio during this export… pleeaaaassse :wink:

  5. and a way to use an external battery for outdoor


Synth engines :slight_smile:


One other thing - a kind of “kit” for the midi tracks. Like in my case I usually want to sequence my drum machine on tracks 1 - 4, then synth A on track 5, synth B on track 6 - 7 etc. An easy way of saving all of this data along with the CCs I usually use would save a lot of time. I could just create a blank pattern and copy it every time I suppose but there’s no way to copy a pattern into a new project, is there?


Don’t own one but if I did would request what I request on every Elektron sequencer product.
Pattern randomisation at the press of a button


Naming of all the midi ccs on the midi tracks… I just dont wanna remember what each cc is doing for all my connected midi hardware.
Maybe as a global project setting (no need for “midi kits”). Being able to name all ccs for each midi channel once, so that i can later just select the named values (like “filter freq”, etc.)
Would help a ton. Each time I want to change a cc I have to look into the manual of my connected midi devices…


+1 on full data transfer (in lieu of expandable memory), midi kits, midi naming
honestly the full project backup seems the most useful to me right now. My microsampler does this and it’s a great feature. I have banks that can be loaded fairly quickly and it just uses usb 1.

i initially wanted chop but now it almost seems wrong for this box.
are 2048 sounds per pattern? if not then I think this may come in handy. what about midi “sounds” or using that as a way to save individual midi tracks with settings pre-configured?

I still think 256 samples per project would be nice to have.
expand the master

edit: post #100=nice


Nice thinkin!



+1 for that

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Make a new project with all your ‘go to’ settings laid out then just use that as a template project from then on :wink: Just save as new/rename…


Yeah - I reckon that’s the best way to go for now.

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Don’t think I saw this… if so let me know… But the ability to move (directories) folders and the ability to delete (directories) )folders even when they are not empty.


More filter emulations please.
My understanding is the filter is modeled as a 24db ladder filter (Moog)

I’d like to see added:
-bandpass filter
-303 acid style filter
-Arp Oddysey style filter


Solo mode in addition to the mute mode. All sequencers across your product line should feature a solo function. This is key to beat building in conjunction with mutes. Thank you for your consideration.


I 2nd the bandpass filter and maybe a 12db filter.