The Digitakt Feature Request Thread

It would be great to have the options to cycle through all conditional trigs before switching to a new pattern. for example if I have a fill set to 4:4 on a four bar loop on A1, I have to be more strategic about when I change to my next pattern. This is only a concern for me since I’m using a midi foot switch to control program changes so i can play guitar with the DT. could make things smoother.

It already says “pattern saved to temp area”.

How would it handle a Percentage chance trig? seems like you’d never get your change in a predictable way :S You could just set your pattern to a Master Length of X bars that will account for the longest trig you know should run. This would have the same effect.

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I think he means an “are you sure? yes/no” confirmation screen.


i’ve been caught out a few times where i’ve created a pattern from scratch, messed it up, pressed FUNC+NO, and then realised i never hit FUNC+YES to temp save it in the first place, losing the whole pattern and sounds. so i’d be up for some sort of safety option.
FUNC+YES(x2)/NO(x2) where you have to dbl-tap the YES or NO button to slow you down a fraction…could help?


this is probably the best work around, but is just another layer to account for. also, it wouldn’t really apply to percentage conditionals for a number of reasons.

Although he could be very annoying…
I miss that little guy.


FUNC+YES(x2) would be great, but FUNC+NO(x2) will kill the ability to return to the safe place properly in a live situation.


2x LFO per track
2x effects per track
Reverbe and delay on the master channel besides sends.

This could just as easily apply to any other Elektron box but it would be extremely useful to to have the ability to save the sysex string of a sound, program/ performance etc of another device, multitimbral sound module or whatever along with a Digitakt pattern so you can just send that data to the module from the Digitakt. It would save memory and be helpful in other ways.

I doubt there’s DSP available for 16 more effects which is what would be needed for per track.

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Slide trigs please!


Please add the ability to send the state of all Digitakt CCs at once so we can sync external MIDI controllers. I was sad to learn this is not possible, currently. Apparently this can be done on the Octatrack. See here for use case: Force Send Digitakt MIDI State

LOL! I am the first after the new upgrade to 1.30. Going to install it now!! Elektronauts

I guess maaaany things from the list are included. or at least a couple of very important ones: two lfos, two filters, one with eq possibilities… etc


I never expected to see that many cool features in the rest of its life let alone one update.


I think we can pretty much delete 99% of the posts here now :purple_heart:


Just close the thread. It’s not needed. :smile:


Quoting myself from the past: hey got almost everything there and then more! Thanks Elektron <3


If only it… I’d love to have… It would be great to… nevermind.


I think now pretty much the only thing I still hope for is sending retrigs over midi (and midi arp on the digitone). Otherwise I’m very happy I haven’t sold this lil guy.

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