The Digitakt Feature Request Thread

I know it’s been mentioned many times, but stereo pannable inputs with routing to FX (or even without) would complete the unit for me. So it can be used as a through for live similar to the Digitone.

Alternatively, an answer on whether this is actually possible/likely to be done so I can stop dreaming. :wink:

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explanation a little about the audio input routing

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this is a request that I post here, but would LOVE for all the boxes…

  • replacement squishy trig buttons for all boxes. [same as the M:S and M:C]

love them buttons.


First I want to say thanks for listening to complaints last time, you fixed a few things I had a problem with, including midi tracks not triggering the chord programmed for the track (not a specific trig). This helps me play my digitakt in a chord per pad (track) mode, which really helps me compose faster.

One thing that would be nice is to be able to program a midi tracks chord by holding down the track you want and playing a chord on an external keyboard, much like you can program an individual trig in a sequence. As of right now I have to program the chord by using encoders, which is painfully slow when you are trying to get an idea out. Maybe to solve the potential problem of deciding which note would be the root of the chord, it could be just the first note played?

A way to link sample tracks together to make a polyphonic synth that auto divides the notes over available voices. You could make it 2 thru 8 voices. Maybe even link the settings for all tracks assigned to the synth so all voices have the same settings? Not linking settings could be cool too, maybe just an option per voice?

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The ability to transpose a tracks pattern without pitch bend. Example; make pattern A, copy pattern to B, transpose. Maybe you can have a “control all” for controlling all the trigs on a track, similar to how you can “control all” of multiple tracks parameters at the same time.


Of course it’s been mentioned before, but a musical scale filter for the chromatic keyboard would be really useful.


Phase distortion synth with the uploaded waveform


TRIG + YES is great, we should also be able to use YES + TRIG to preview a trig.

This opens the doors to being able to do something like:

  1. Setup 16 trigs on a track with p-locks.
  2. MUTE the track.
  3. While playing live, go into GRID mode on the muted track.
  4. Hold YES and then “play” the trigs.

You can currently kind of do this with current TRIG+YES, but it’s very easy to accidentally remove a trig when you’re rapidly changing which TRIG you’re previewing.

Potential additional feature, let a trig be triggered by midi (multi map-ish).

This would turn DT into an even more awesome performance tool.


Great one!

Makes me think that NO + TRIG would be a good way to mute single trigs, provided that there is a possibility to color code that clearly on the trigs…


green or purple is still unused in GRID Mode

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Blue, blue/white and blue/green aren’t used anywhere.
Also not orange, but I don’t know if that’s possible.

edit: Now I think about it, combinations with white aren’t used at all.

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still pulling for the ability to assign sample chops within a single sample across the keyboard.


Trig preview via midi would solve this and would be awesome!

Song mode :blush:


This is a small request to enhance workflow… after loading a new project, why press No button twice to get to the tracks? Can we have the screen go straight to a track rather than stay on the menu page?


this is my wish too. Also don’t limit to start point PLock, but the ability to assign any PLockable value to the chromatic keyboard would be an amazing creative tool.


1- Add an “trig on/off” switch on the trig parameter page, that allow to quickly trig mute, with the “off trigs” that change colors on the sequencer like on the A4.
2- A cue track option that mute the track from the output but send it to the headphones, it would be very usefull for programming pattern live while jamming.
3- An other lfo by track (that use the ram of the midi lfo if needed), or at least an internal midi send to use midi lfos with the audio track without a midi cable. Like lot of people, I don’t use midi tracks, but I really miss a second lfo by track.


This please :pray:

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Not possible, they’re physically the same output.