The Digitakt Feature Request Thread

slice mode


I have loved using the Digitakt over the last 2 years but there are some small changes that I think would really enhance workflow and sound design creativity without stepping on the toes of the Octatrack:

  1. Sample ping-pong/bi-directional looping mode to help make smoother loops, textures, and reduce clicks (Seen in Ableton’s Samplr and MilkyTracker’s sample editor)

  2. Instead of a full slicing mode, toggleable Transient Snap Mode accessible by double-tapping the start rotary encoder. The user would then just rotate the encoder to jump to different transient points. Would be great to help maximize track efficiency with less hassle, more speed, and accuracy.

  3. An additional LFO2 that is accessible by double-tapping LFO button. The single LFO feels exceptionally limiting

  4. Bandpass Filter but the resonance knob works to set the width of unfiltered frequencies rather than boosting center. Useful for rough EQing when you need to cut both high and low ends.


The only thing is missing on DT for me is a customizable chromatic keyboard. Instead of playing a range of pitch, play a range of any PLockable parameters. Or assign for each note of the keyboard some PLocked values.
This mean you can live record different start point or filtered notes or anything you imagine. This should add a lot of creativity.


PT CH to work from Live 10

. Another Filter
. Another LFO
. Sample Zoom in Project


More onboard effects.

I hear people talking all the time about how it’s okay that it’s a mono sampler, because after you use effects you can send out as stereo sounds. Those effects are pretty much just reverb and delay, which seem like the bare minimum if you’re including effects at all. I wish this had a few more ways to treat sounds. I still find myself needing to run sounds into the computer, treat them with plugins, and run them back out.


I now enjoy a Digitone and the way the two filters and two LFOs are presented is a great way to do it, I’d love the sMe on the Digitakt :blush:


Overdrive, bit reduction, compressor, filtering, and resampling should give you the ability to shape your sample in almost any way you like… also, it has quite a flexible delay and can be used to produce more effect types than just a “delay” effect. Experiment with the delay page, there are many things you can achieve just using the delay alone. In fact, older rack delays with were often marketed as multi-effects due to their flexibility in creating flanged effects, chorus, super metallic tones, etc. Check out this sticker showing settings for effect types on an old Ibanez rack delay as an example.


After playing with mine again over the last few days, I think all of these features would make it an ultimate box for me.

  • slices
  • time stretching
  • stream from 1gb drive
  • EQ
  • more fx
  • stereo samples
  • MIDI arp
  • more lfo
  • assignable envelopes
  • dual filter
  • polyphonic tracks

Hey man thank you that’s a super helpful response. Downloaded and printed that page and looking forward to making some use of that. I appreciate you taking the time to respond


Multimap would be great.
Then the ability to preview/“play” trigs from ext midi. This would be like trig preview + multimap on steroids.

LOL. Are you serious ? Man go back ITB it will better suit your needs.

collect and save all.
Save the project and all the samples used in the project as a single directory/folder. (Maybe this is a transfer app feature request)

Load samples via OB plugin, click and drag samples into the sample viewer via the plugin would be great.

Live looping capability?


I guess those are DT mk2 feature requests :stuck_out_tongue:
I kind of saw this thread as DT potential firmware update requests rather than new product requests haha

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Aside from one or two of those, it’s an OT :sweat_smile:


It’s more like bringing some of the OT features to the DT.

Just watching :

I know Cenk isn’t THE spokesman for Elektron but when asked about Zoom on the SRC page “We talked about this, probably won’t happen”.

Other things such as other types of filter “we have LP and HP, but likely will see more”.

I guess there’s some other limitations preventing zoom on the src page.

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I think Cenk (although officially ‘only’ a product demonstrator) has a lot of say when it comes to new features and whenever I see him or Ess talking casually in product demos with a YouTuber, they give the impression that they’re always looking to improve the boxes and work on things. So I guess there’s definitely the will to do more for each of them, but it has to be balanced out with costs, development time, CPU resources, product differentiation, marketing and so on and so forth.


maybe mentioned here already but:

  • lfo sample start without requiring a retrigger. big oof when i found out wavetable synthesis isn’t really possible without sounding choppy / filling the grid with trigs. it isn’t very ‘smooth’. but, probably a huge CPU hit i’d imagine to let sample slot change freely with the LFO and not be locked to some kind of trig:)
  • PB/AT/MW passthrough. minor gripe, can get around this with a midi merge box / hub

Any advice on what midi merger to use? I was never able to find any that fits my needs