Teenage Engineering OP-Z

Hah yeah I looked it up, it now says what you posted. On operator-1 there’s chat about the Atlantic 4 times thing so they definitely must have changed it. Sneaky! https://www.operator-1.com/index.php?p=/discussion/4727/what-is-your-op-z-battery-usage

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Yes dad :slight_smile:

(sneaks away to play with OP-Z)


God, absolutely right. I spent about 37 seconds there, skim reading with my eyes squinted, before deciding that I’d rather get my info elsewhere!!

Interesting thread.

Lots of new usernames that I don’t recognize - so that explains some of the noise.

One user on operator-1.com timed how long the battery lasts: 6 hours from fully charged to completely drained playing one pattern the whole time.

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I haven’t played with this much, but I noticed there is copy pattern (one shift) and copy settings (2 shifts): so perhaps to copy the send to fx you need to copy the send settings? The chorus isn’t an fx on the master, it’s a send effect, so I guess each pattern has the send amount.

Hello opz pioneers
I have only one and unfortunately always the same question

Is there a pattern, kit, settings or whatever its called here AUTOSAVE on pattern change function?
And if so: is there a possibility to DISABLE it?

As much as i love the elektron sequencer, i get traumatized by the pattern ( incl p lock) autosave on pattern change or accidental pattern change.
( i heard its a bit simpler on DN, DT than on my a4 and will get one one day probably, but its still there and cant be disabled)

Also wouldnt know if its worth learning strange opz knob combinations just because of that…

Thanks, have a good day

You can toggle auto and manual save mode by holding project and track for a few seconds. See 7.12 in the manual for manual save.


Thanks a lot.
Looks great and perfect on the project site.

But…it seems those swedish sequencer programmers cant live without complicated and not disable possible pattern autosave.
Or am i wrong? ( looking quickly on that aehm, grey… manual)
I hope im wrong…

I cant make wild parameter changes on the pattern1 with that great swedish sequencer , change pattern or accidently change pattern, go back to pattern1 and its like before wiggling around?
Or make a SAVE AS if i like the wiggling result

If so, swedish sequencer programmers, whyyy :sleepy:?? Too much for my nerves…

It’s realy easy to turn off auto save, you can even do it when turning on holding down a key whilst powering up (can’t remember which one!) don’t forget you also have snapshot like on elektron, you can snap go mad then revert…


For a device with no screen that’s incredibly disappointing tbh.

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yes absolutely simple and perfect for the whole project.

But it seems, (didnt look close)
The same simple and perfect ability is not there for patterns.

But i still hope im wrong

Can i do these operations?

I have a nice pattern 1, i m changing parameters and trigs,
I accidently or volunteerly change to pattern 2,
I go back to pattern 1 and its like before wiggling.

I have a nice pattern 1, im wiggling, I like the result and want to save that to pattern 3, while pattern 1 is like before wiggling when i turn off the thing with the great sequencer
( BTW this operation at least is possible on a4 with copy pattern , reload pattern,
Paste pattern, rename and save kit, save patt,
seems some dont know, and its quirky)

Sorry and thanks…

I think this is the right path, thanks for the tip! I’m also reading about ways of muting tracks (I want a global mute)

BTW there is a master chorus effect! :smiley:


I really love discovering this little instrument. It’s incredibly satisfying to learn.


That awful question now this new machine is out in the wild: OP-Z or Deluge?

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I’m also a little disappointed, especially since I’m spoiled by the incredible battery in the op-1. If they hadn’t advertised it as going over the Atlantic 4 times, it wouldn’t be so bad I guess.

I was thinking about picking one up but think I’ll wait until the battery issues are sorted out. 6 hours of battery life doesn’t sound so good. I was expecting OP-1 type battery longevity.

me strategy is to copy pattern 1 to 2, then go wild an crazy. but Im from sweden …
there is however a snapshot (hold project and + ) and hold project and – to recall .
Must try swedish seq programmers solution asap.

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Ha ha thanks,
Yes the general no autosave ( to hand it to a friend , as written in the manual) is already a big step foreward on op z.

With a4 i should always say please just look dont touch, or if you cant resist, please dont touch the knobs on the left.
Its from sweden, it looks good, has the best sequencer but in sweden they just love patterns to be autosaved…( autodestroyed)

Come on Sweden, on the next device you can go one more step foreward,
Make it possible to not autosave patterns

Yes you can… best wishes from switzerland

You already forced me to buy the german ( :face_with_hand_over_mouth:) tanzbär instead of ar because of that, boring sound, strange button combos, but no autosave…

Im sorry should be funny, i m total antinationalist.
Just think its all about a musical instrument, not to be taken too serious,
But tbh i have somehow a serious problem with autosave because i like the rest of the elektron sequencer (and even more this international forum) so much.
And now the elektronese opz p-lock sequencer also still has it somehow.
But already less dangerous to destroy the pattern, dn seems already more safe than a4…

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Cheers - missed the ‘master chorus, (seems like an odd choise for a master fx) for some reason I thought it was a compressor…

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