Superbooth 21

Doubt it, they just startet this model citizen toy marketing thing. So it seems like they are still struggeling with their identity…:grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

I’m reallly wondering if Verbos will announce something new !


It seems probable. I always enjoy seeing Mark explaining whatever. Is he still in Berlin ? I know he moved there.

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I think so yeah. Fingers crossed !!

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It is. The new Easel with new control module (really crazy connectivity, x-fader, audio in, euro cv converters, memory presets etc… )


I’m looking for more models on the DR-2 and hoping for a mini DR too (no pun).


Ogh! Mini DR could be very nice!

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A mini Modor drum machine would be amazing. Absolutely love the Original but it’s very expensive and had a couple of issues. Sound and ease of performance use were fantastic though.

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agree 100%
mini (same design just 30% smaller and cheaper ) could work better

Looks like Elektron Japan is now:


I created a new topic for further discussion relating to the Japanese Office of Elektron.

Please direct all further discussion to that thread.


Could anyone please relate a few high points from the Herr Schneider interview by Gaz. Anything that has to do with this year’s Superbooth that is significant. I don’t have the time, nor data space available to watch one hour and 36 minutes.

Thanks for the link TonyDS !

A new Moog office in Berlin ? The Moog people at Superbooth, are probably busy on dual missions. I am definitely watching for any Moog news from the show.

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The new 218 looks slick! I hope they offer it in a casing of its own

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Sure they will!

But the new „expander“ module is also amazing… wouldn’t trade my BEMI easel for this one, since I’ve made some „mods“ I’m quite happy with my design (later 218 I have is capable of euro cv / gate outs, midi, arp hold, so I’m happy) but if getting easel now this new one is nobrainer!

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Yet another teaser from Waldorf. Looks interesting…


Rotte Knopfee ! Kleine synthesiyerin! :slight_smile:

“video has no sound” :sob:


…oooooo noooooo…all my mission this year for da booth is, as mentioned here before, to snatch me an enner from vlad…
so i was taking a look at the floorplan today, whre to find soma…
and it seems, i can’t spot them anywhere…
please tell me, somebody, they will show up…

They’re not in the list of exhibitors either. I could’ve sworn that they were before. Did they pull out? Email them ASAP!

They’re mentioned in this press release from six weeks ago: