Superbooth 19

Sure enough - but makes me wonder why they wouldn’t just call it a “stereo” synth. Perhaps there’s more to it than simply stereo sound. :man_shrugging:t3:

Marketing does crazy stuff to get people interested. Take a plain old standard feature and rename it. There it is: your brand-new and bleeding edge tech everyone is GAS-ing for.


Perhaps it refers to a particular way of offsetting LFOs that is highlighted in the synth’s workflow - much the way binaural beats are created by varying Oscillator rates in differing ears (if my understanding is correct).

I hope so and Monomachine update seems logical progression.


Got to love that some thought you were being genuine with that one :rofl:

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I want to believe :cry:


Binaural is a recording technique which uses the shape of the human head and ears to create super realistic 3D recordings. Also called inter-aural. There are dsp processes that model this, check out a company called Klang. Unfortunately, the illusion only works on headphones.

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Not as much as how an online music publication took the render and wrote up an article speculating about it :smiley:

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I’ve built an “recording head” myself a decade ago and toyed around with that for quite a while. So yeah, I’m aware of the usage of this word in recording tech.

What we discussed above was the usage of the word in an advertising of a upcoming new synth …

Regarding the UDO Super 6, all I will say is keep your eye on this beauty, it is very special indeed!


If a synth could model the binaural effect, that could be on cool synth. Though with the headphones limitation, might not create the most social listening experience…

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Always good to have an industry insider! :slight_smile:

Nick and chums on the U.D.O. :

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Sorry, i missed the irony. I am not an english native speaker…

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lol…Elektron don´t need to produce any longer teasers…the community does it for them…


Of course! The false hopes hype doesn‘t build itself :crazy_face:

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All good, homey :slight_smile:

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model: synthesizer


I think what we do in terms of getting each other hyped and joking on the coneptual is bad for the actual release…

So many great ideas and concepts come out of this banter…take the Analtone for instance.

But when the actual unveiling of a new unit happens we are like…meh…? Our imaginary concepts were better…thats just another sampler…

But it aint gonna stop me…:rofl:

I think the comming unveiling will have 7 machines, each specifically designed and tuned to align and clear one of your seven chakras. When all 7 are played at once you transcend the need to exist on this plane of consciousness.

I hope im not dissapointed.


Model: Deathcult