Superbooth 19

you’d have to prize my Digitone from my lifeless, dead fingers


Lol, it was my first Elektron box, so it will always have a place in my setup… But I sold every device I have to start from the ground up after months of experimentation to find out what works for me.

I’d absolutely love a new analog Elektron box, especially if it has a keyboard. The Analog Four wasn’t for me, the Keys was a bit closer but I never got the chance to play one… So, this could be just what I’ve wanted.

Rumor City baby, sure, but that’s what I’ve wanted all along anyway.

I think a new Monomachine would be my choice really. Got a craving for some SID.

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I’d be interested in anything analog, or a new MM or MD… Those are the obvious choices that the community has been asking for, at least to my knowledge, and the release of any of those would not result in disappointment as long as it’s not a:

  1. Model:Monomachine
  2. Model:Machinedrum
  3. Model:Analog #

Ideally it’d be a big box, doesn’t necessarily need song mode since I have an Octatrack, but it’d be nice to have anyway.


agreed, though conversely I’d also snap their hands off for a Digi-sized analog drum machine… though I’m confident that wont happen.


Can I just hasten to add that IMO it would need song mode - as that is one of the critiques of the Digi-boxes.

Having just bought a MD MK2 UW the only things I miss on it are microtiming/quantise options and step length options, and I’d gladly trade upwards for those features so long as it didn’t ruin the core essence of the MD…but how likely are we to get 16 sets of assignable tracks/LFOs/routing and indi outs after the MKI/MKII big boxes? It doesn’t fit the path Elektron are taking.


If it’s a big box, sure…

If it’s a Digi-box there’s a very slim chance it’ll have song mode without community backlash and the need to implement song mode in the DT and DN which again, is very unlikely.

Edit: Unless song mode on the Digi boxes is part of the big reveal! Then go for it.

If it’s Digi-anything… I can only hope the OS will update for the Digitone too!! Can’t wait for the reveal!


That doesn’t mean it shouldn’t have it, only that the other two should as well :wink:

I neither agree nor disagree. Part of the problem boils down to internal drive space for firmware updates, and supply and demand based on utilizing manpower to perform software updates…

Back in the day on digital devices, musical instruments or say gaming consoles like the PS2 and Xbox, what we got was what we got.

It’s an interesting market these days where we pay for something and expect extra work in return based on what we paid for as originally marketed, for free. This is especially important for musical instruments, where the software has to be tested thoroughly, without any sort of visible increase in revenue. These instruments might be the tools to create someone’s livelihood, so if it crashes mid-set, it’s very unfortunate.


I asked S (or is it Ess?) on IG and he said that the single-cycle waveform tools that he’s working on will output in a format that works for all the sample playing boxes (DT/OT/AR/M:S). He said it didn’t make sense to limit it to just the DT.

A page / patch randomize function would be really cool on Digitone. Looking forward to that.


My guess:

Analog 8 Keyboard - an 8 voice analog synth, also with the ability to use samples as oscillators.

My other prediction: I will pre-order it immediately. :smile:


Ouch, that would be tough to ignore. Also tough to price around the current default of around £1200…

@cold_fashioned I believe it was .wav in the story update I saw so that would make sense, thanks.

@Birth_Chord I’m not saying I expect it for free, although it is interesting to note that the general trend for manufacturers to offer some form of update and upgrade lifecycle e.g. Novation. You could argue that this does actually increase sales indirectly. I bought the DT and DN knowing they didn’t have a song mode and it isn’t the end of the world but it would definitely add more value IMHO.

I love the Digi boxes, any upgrade is welcomed.

At the end of the day as much as I’d like to think Elektron is just Cenk jamming, it’s run by businessmen and shareholders, which is my guess as to why we got the Model:Samples in the first place.

It’s the opportunity cost between updating existing software and seeing a marginal increase in sales vs. creating their next product and reaping the sales from release, which are always highest.

Edit : this is also why Overbridge is still in public beta.


I could see something like that too. It wouldn’t split the voices over multiple tracks A4 style but you would still be able to sequence lfos/FX etc as expected.

Wouldn’t be for me, but would be cool.

Precisely what I want.

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Any thing from Nord? I could use a desktop… c’mon Nord!

Im really dreaming about an Analog 8 key with vco + digi OSC.


Part of the reason for most of the updates were bug fixes and the developers keeping the boxes relevant.

I really dislike these times when we know something is in the pipes for release bc it seems like I’m always on the verge of buying something just being before the big reveal.

Im in the market for analog or digital and an 8 voice analog keys or a modern mnm sfx6 would really hit the spot. Even the idea of a new take of a md would be interesting but I think there would be too much overlap with DT maybe. It would definitely put elektron back in the limelight with those other heavy hitters if they did something really big. They currently have nothing to compete with the premium level manufacturers. I’m not saying AR, A4, or any of the rest aren’t premium either.

As a business I could see making more model:xxx to bring in more customers to elektron but would that really work? The backbone of their customer base is with the premium level boxes right? I understand there are a lot here who never got to use the silver boxes but if they did it would only reinforce why those of us who have or still own them have been begging for reissues with modern sequencers etc.

Besides answering what we’ve been asking for I don’t see this happening for a couple of reasons: 1: been there, done that already. 2: it doesn’t push any unexplored territories, 3: the people who we involved in the silver boxes are no longer there, 4: they don’t have to.

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