Would it be possible to get a sub-forum for users / developers of software, iOS devices, Ruin & Wesen MiniCommand, other stuff and things please?
From a MiniCommand point of view, there are some great users/programmers on here like Tyrone and Justin Valer, it would make a great resource, and also be easily accessible as in the main forums MiniCommand topics get buried in whichever random place they are posted.
Like wise for what other peeps are doing around building iOS apps, lemur control surfaces and so for using wth Elektron products.
hmm… how about a forum that’s for general integration of elektron things with other stuff?
a minicommand forum would be a very lonely place i think.
it’s been brought up before, the forum could be given the fancy name “Integration”, or something.
the minicommand is in desperate need of a new online home now that the original R&W site has gone to digital heaven…
also could be a useful place for things like void’s Elektron CTL framework, and other projects such as ios apps, Rusty’s OT project manager, etc, etc
IMHO this is a good idea. “Integration” is a broad enough topic to cover threads on the MiniCommand – which definitely needs a place to call home around here – but also be a place to talk about getting the Elektrons working in tandem with other devices and software.
(Not that we don’t talk about those things to a degree in the Other Gear forum, but this way, specifically integration-oriented threads would be easier to find, less likely to get lost in the shuffle.)
Might not be a bad idea to resurrect the Developer’s Corner idea here as well. So many people are talking about putting together software and firmware for devices related to Elektron that it could prove helpful to us all.
All these peeps talking as if I just asked for a MiniCommand sub-forum, when obviously I said for “Integration / Developers / MiniCommand” like the topic says… << poker face
To my mind this makes total and utter sense. You could call collaborators Corner or some such - the names really irrelevant but to have those resources in the same place seems like a sensible idea for sure.