Strymon NightSky Pedal

It’s basically a Shimmer Reverb.

I like that its basically the same format as the volante. Def interested!

Looking at this, it’s clear that Octatrack users will be very happy.


That’s that then. I’ll change the title to Strymon NightSky Pedal


There is more too it than that by the looks of it. Intervals, pitch modulation etc etc

Definitely more than just a shimmer reverb. From what we can see on the panel one seems to be able to sequence settings and morph between sequence steps. Which is very cool because that way you can create reverberation rhythms or big morphy swooshes. The LFO is a great addition as well. Shimmer is just one of the options.


looks like you can parameter lock per step and sequence through them…? interesting.


That’s why I used the term « basically ». I know there’s more but Shimmer is the only Reverb algorithm visible on the pedal.

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pedals at this size and functionality… I just kinda want in a 1U rack format.


Based on the pics I really don’t get this pedal. Why would you want to sequence and p-lock a reverb? Also shimmer? Wtf these dudes have a bunch of amazing verbs at their disposal and they choose the most gimmicky kind… I don’t get it. But I’ll definitely have a listen once the demos are up.

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And buy one.


Possibly :joy:


Shimmer is pitching notes in the reverb, iiuc? I think the idea of sequencing the shimner notes is a good one.

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Small audio demo live


Maybe this is like Clouds in a box. Not complaining about that.

it’s a reverb ‘synthesizer’

Other than a guy breathing or whispering and a far far helicopter, nothing there.

It’s a placeholder for the livestream tonight… looks like.

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It was a little bit of irony.

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Somebody mentioned Octatrack owners.

I’m one of those, and I’m part of the subset of owners who actually like the OT’s own reverbs. So I don’t really see this being a useful addition to the OT itself. I already have a decent selection of pedals that can take MIDI messages from the OT as well, if the intention is to use the OT to automate settings on external pedals.