Stazma "Tips And Tricks" & "Friday Jams" videos

Hey there everyone!

Since a about a month I started to post short tutorials about audio production every monday. As most of the first were very centered around the Polyend Tracker I was posting those in the dedicated sub forum over, but as I’m starting to expand pretty much any aspect of audio production I guessed it would be a good idea to compil those over here.

EDIT January 2021: I wil lalso post my “Friday Jam” session over from now on :wink:

So here are the two last :slight_smile:


That’s some wicked programming mate. Very inspired use of controllers also… if you’re going to peform ITB that’s the way to do it.

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Thanks man, i’ve been using this setup for years but it took me hell of a long time to set it up like it is now.
I hope it can be of some help for laptop performer who wish they could do more on stage.

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Great stuff Stazma, enjoying the content, love your tunes.

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totally unrelated, but i thought the tracker was a timex sinclair computer in that first video screenshot. my heart skipped a beat.

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Ahhh cool man! I absolutely love what you’re making, idk if it will translate directly to my setup but I really appreciate any and all tips/techniques/just cool stuff so this is exciting. Thank you :pray:t3:

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Not much of a tutorial or tips and tricks but I figured it could be fun for some of you guys, I made a few presets in the Live 11 beta yesterday, mainly for bitcrushing drums in a dynamic way, you can grab those for free over here:

Short jam I had with some of those:

Part two of my Ableton setup walkthrought is up in 15 minutes, i’ll be in the chatroom to answer questions or geek talk in anyone fancy joining :wink:

See ya !


Not a tips and tricks but here is short demo of my first Patreon Sample Pack !

More infos here:


Tune in this evening at 17:30 french time for some breakbeat torture lessons:


very cool sound.
i thought of getting a livid block bcs there was a used one on sale, but i couldn´t get myself to click on the buy button, bcs it feels kinda out of time nowadays and the dev community is not that active.
i just bought my first eurorack case and was still a bit buzzed with the decision on what midi interface to get and i didn´t know about the cv ocd… thats kinda exactly what i am looking for.
many thx for that.

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You’re welcome :wink: Happy to help !

Hey there ! I have also started to talk on the Patch From Scratch video I do on my Wired Brain channel, so i’ll post those over here as well for the modular heads :wink:


New Breakbeat Torture tutorial online!


Third part going live this evening at 17h30 (Paris time)


I forgot to link you up with the last one with the Tracker:


New Tips & Tricks online this evening folks !


It’s been a while and it’s not really a jam but this friday session will drop this evening at 17:15. Grab a beer / lemonade / anything and feel free to join in in the chatroom for this “evening mini rave” :wink:


Really enjoying your breakbeat and ableton production stuff. Big fan of your music so any more stuff on that is well appreciated.

I think your break chopping tutorials are the most simple and effective I’ve seen. Chapeau !


Youpi ! This make me happy ! I’ll try to keep those coming :wink: