Share Digitakt II Beats here ✌🏽

Thought I start a thread for people to share their DT2 beats :+1:t4:

Here’s a beat I started last weekend I posted in the Tips and Tricks thread. But figured I hadn’t seen a beats thread of its own. As of this post I’m sitting on about 20 of these beats so far. I’m into the DT2 for sure.


Really enjoy this, low end is super nice and the little vocal snips are perfect. Could def take a club down with this. Any differences in your workflow making this compared to on the 1? Is it mostly one pattern with variations and mutes? Any post processing or is this mostly right out the box?

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Thank you! Workflow wise, nothing different from the 1. But organization wise, things really open up for me. In that Tip and Tricks thread I talk about how I organize my samples and beat elements to match the new sample banks in the 2.

Better organization, more samples that are easier for me to access and use, plus the stereo vibe. I’m just in to it.

Also. And this is literally random. But the auto name generator is a godsend for me. It’s so much easier for me to keep a project and stay working on it if it has a name…

I also appreciate the sampling stuff

D1 was a bunch of nameless “Randomdateprojects” I never kept up with :man_shrugging:t4:

But yea. I’m in to it


This is my biggest issue with the Rytm. Really wish it could name patterns and not just kits. Glad to hear you’re vibing with the DT2!

My first couple of patterns


Kind of deadmau5 inspired beat i was fiddling with tonight, really enjoy the drop, probably flesh it out more. If anyone sees these and thinks “oh cool” let me know and I’m happy to share some project files. Maybe someone would be interested in swapping project files back and forth?


My first beat on the DT2. A few ambient sounds are out of Battalion thru EchoBoy and Supermassive, the rest is 10 tracks in the Digitakt. The pitchy percussion thing is a preset, everything else is noise synth samples pretty much, with a snare from @Jeanne.


Love this, big warehouse vibes early doors when things are just getting going :yum::ok_hand:

Any tips for that skittery filtered percussion thing that keeps coming in, sounds awesome :sunglasses::+1:



That’s from the factory beat called “LABB”, I don’t think I changed the sound too much actually. Most of the other sounds I put in the DT2, things like Grendel DC, Soma Ether and JMT LD-1 as sample sources, and @Jeanne’s Crematorium sample pack.


Sounded great and I just love that Jeanne has a sample pack called Crematorium. :metal:


quick little loop I made last night. I sampled my DFAM so the first part is dry to give a feel of the loop and the second part is all the modulation and effets I have going on from the Digitakt 2, theres no other sounds I added just this one loop with modulation, the one synthy sound that sounds like its going through the delay is the loop being sent to the delay at 2k lfo speed lol. This also made me remember how fucking beefy the DFAM is… somehow I forgot that fact.



This is all straight out of the box just messing around with four patterns. Never thought to process vocals on the og digi but i feel like they came out great on this this way and i might try this method more often


My next DTII only track this time it was the first time for me to use more than one pattern and first time sing mode


Nice one!

Slightly OT but this does really underline for me how great it would be if Elektron added the group Mute/Unmute functionality on DT2 to the Syntakt. So good for playing live.

Thanks for starting this thread! Here is my first song on Digitakt II:


Here is my latest techno beat done on the DT2


Quick jam sampling the hydrasynth and using the INIT kit which is actually great

Here’s a set, 5 songs played live on the DTII, some IDM, House, and Industrial vibes. Straight from the device, no eq, effects, or mastering applied.