Don’t know if this really fits here, so by all means, feel free to move it. What do you guys sample from into the OT? I’ve generally just been sampling from Youtube, BBC documentaries and old records I have lying around, but came across this little gem on Reddit today;
I do a lot of studio jamming on guitar, pedals, synths, etc. That gets chopped up and fed to my OT, though I have used Youtube and the net for other source food. The beauty of the OT is that you can turn anything unrecognizable!
I normally have a preamp connected to my OT, so I can sample the musicians I am playing with with microphones. My Nord Lead 3 also goes into the OT for sampling…
OP-1. As I’m flying a lot this year it’s invaluable. I create patches, tracks, record obscure foreign radio etc. then sample into the OT when I get home.
Mainly records. I really enjoy sampling vinyl, to me it’s by far the most enjoyable form of sampling. It feels so hands on, I love browsing through my records, I love digging small record stores and second hand shops for something to sample.
I don’t think it as sampling in the same way, but I also really enjoy resampling my loops and that way creating something new to work with. Starting with bunch of vinyl samples, creating a loop, resampling that, slicing that, rearraging the sliced loop, maybe some new samples, resampling etc…
Secondhand Sureshots - Ras G, Deadelus, JRocc and Nobody are given $5 each to buy vinyl at secondhand shops and make a track sampling from those records. They ended up releasing the thing on vinyl - and the results were pretty cool!
This is totally awesome. Loving the drones from the nuclear power station on the beach at Sizewell. Anyone else swim in the sea 100m from a reactor? plenty do including myself. It’s not a normal day at the beach…anyway back to the point.
This map also inspires viewers to add sounds which is such a great thing. Thanks for sharing sicijk.