Sampling sources

Lovely Istanbul :)[/quote]
Admit it. Its York really, you should be proud of you Northern roots. :wink:

Lovely Istanbul :)[/quote]
Admit it. Its York really, you should be proud of you Northern roots. :wink:[/quote]
Nihahahha :-1: :-1: :-1:

If you like Aporee, guysā€¦then collaborate to this awesome projectā€¦and spread the word =)

-Found sounds made around the house, my dog panting, inserting really shonky audio cables into a mixer and recording the static, slicing it up and processing it through amp sims before dumping it to the OT.
-MS20 Mini
-Odd Noise Loops and glitches programmed with the Nord Modular
-The Monomachine
-Quite often render out 4 bat loops programmed in Maschine and slice, dice, mangle and reprogram the results in the OT also.

simply great!

edit: wow, the amount of stuff thatā€™s on the map is amazingā€¦
@sicijk: have you got more info on how to collaborate to the project?

One weird source I used one time is the noise floor of the inputs.
I basically recorded ā€œsilenceā€ and then normalized it. Pure auto-octa-noise.

Simply amazing!

I think this was posted up at EU, but in case anyone missed it:

Hey Guga! =)
i would collaborate uploading my own field recordings. You just need to know the rules before uploadingā€¦that you can find while you start the procedure or hereā€¦


thanks for the link great project!

Aporee fuckin wow!. didnt know about this. I have done hours and hours ofrecordings with zoomH4n from weird and far places but didnt know you couldā€¦okā€¦wow ,hmmm loving it

This is TEH AWESOME! I havenā€™t done any work for three days now. I love it! Thanks. :joy:

I made Coffee. download on my profile
SonuoS is worth a checkout

Not Constantinople?