Restrictions are for the dreamless

Forgot to add that my DT is plugged into my DN, so MIDI in port is taken already on the DN for clock. So unless I’m wrong loopback is not possible.

I don’t use VSTs at the moment but yeah, why not.

Thanks anyway :slight_smile:

Then use the DN midi tracks to add extra modulation to the DT and DT midi to add to the DN

Already do it when I need. But I need more voices/tracks.

Can I hypothetically go for an hypothetical upgrade please? :joy:

Ya…FLOPPY! 8” diskettes!


Are you really using all your 16 voices from between the two of them? I don’t see how you are able to fit in all those sounds at a single time

Wow! I barely use all tracks on my md with midi machines and lfo sources. What are you doing with all of that?

Edit: I don’t come close to using all of them. I’d need to borrow someone else’s brain to keep track of all of that

What type of extra MIDI modulation would you do from DN to DT or vice versa, for example? :exploding_head:

8! Midi tracks, right?

Extra LFOs! 1 LFO works, but more would worker.

Also, you can layer the sequences. Say you wanted conditionals for a snare but you want sporadic ghost hits- just sequence 1 hit on a sequence length of 3 steps velocity halfway down and give that trig a 10% chance of triggering

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YEAH! Thank you. I’ve often wished for extra LFOs for the RYTM.

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Yes! And with the extra midi LFOs you’ll be able to modulate the LFOs!

Also, if I’m not mistaken, you can also direct the LFOs to modulate the perf macros :open_mouth:


Additional controls on a Digitone Keys whould be great. Especially track volume faders and some freely assignable encoders …

Overbridge for iPad will not happen until:

  • either Apple allows custom drivers for devices on the iPad (quite unlikely)
  • or Elektron provides a class compliant USB audio mode providing all channels (also not likely yet)
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Loopback would be possible in your case by plugging the dn thru to the dt in. As it’s just passing the signal that is coming into the midi in it is send the dt signal back to itself.

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I think this new thing is going to be DT, DN and AH in one box with a keyboard and some bonus extras. As if you have collected all 3 of them. Just about right not to alienate the current users but still better than the sum of its part so people who have those boxes would still lust after it.

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Is the only source of info on “Digitone Keys” the Thomann product page? Because I don’t believe that it’s Digitone Keys, sounds ridiculous to me.


Elektron have already announced what they’re releasing…

Third news story down.

Hidden in plain sight…

Overbridge for iPad will not happen until:

  • either Apple allows custom drivers for devices on the iPad (quite unlikely)
  • or Elektron provides a class compliant USB audio mode providing all channels (also not likely yet)

Indeed and that might be a bigger problem with the transition for the Mac from Intel to ARM-based chips. Will it still be possible to allow custom drivers on the Mac…

€10 IOS electron editor & sysex librarian apps, two channel (model:samples) class compliant audio mode and sample transfer would be nice though.


It depends. In general it’s not a technical problem, but a problem of what an OS provider allows and what not.

Regarding the iOS Apple wants it to be as closed-up as possible. But I don’t think they will close-up the Mac the same way. IMHO it’s simply too risky to close-out every special external hardware in one big cut.


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