I’m looking for a polyphonic synth mainly to make pads, chords etc…
Ideally, he should have a rompler part.
maximum budget 1000E
Some have already told me about the Korg Modwav or the Wavestate and the Blofeld, feedback on this?
If you could advise me, thank you!
Wavestate looks awesome sonically wise, still pretty hard to program.
I’ll look, if i was you, into a second hand novation Peak, or an asm hydrasynth desktop.
Still i’m not sure about what you call a ‘broken part’
Previously, on elektronauts
oh edited “rompler part”
thanks !
Thanks for links…
What kind of sound are you looking for? There are so many chords/pads etc. possible with very different sounds from harsh to soft.
Generally speaking I would recommend to check out synths with many options to modulate the sound, if you want to make more ambient music and less stabs, which are played in short sequence.
For smooth ambient pads a good reverb is essential as well
A lot of the early rompers were obscured behind impenetrable interfaces. If I was considering this route today in your price range I’d look at the Roland JD-08. Each patch consists of up to four layers, so it’s great for pads. Some of the samples sound pretty dated, but it has enough to get your teeth into using the filters, programming and effects.
The MPC One samples and can be stocked up with sounds and might complement an Elektron set up. A lot of people focus on it’s sampling, but it’s close to a DAW with dedicated hardware.
I’ve owned a wave station, but not a wave state, I think you’ll either love or hate its workflow and sound.
If you do get a Blofeld make sure it has the special licence for the sample ram. If you’re into wavetable Korg’s modwave has some ram, and a slightly different take on wavetable than Waldorf.
Soft sounds not harsh.Smooth ambient to Dark ambient.
I will check it thanks
Mpc one really ?
Well a bit of lateral thinking to arrive at the MPC One, but it could meet your needs if Rompler is important.
IMO this calls for as many modulation sources as possible. A morph option would be great as well. I love my PolyBrute for this.
Modwave and Blofeld could be interesting, both come with anough LFOs and envelopes to let a sound move in and out.
Modwave seems to have a kind of morphing too. Check it out.
The UNO Synth Pro X von IK Multimedia could also be interesting.
For you A4 mk1 is not good for pads? @SoundRider
Polybrute is too expensive for me
i will watch this thanks
Not my first choice and not my second too.
I have A4 in its keyboard version. It’s a great sounding four lane monophonic synth and yes we can use it to combine 4 voices to get polyphony.
But … and this is only my personal use case … when I do pads or play polyphonically I use often more than 4 voices … 5 at least … if not 6, more would even be better.
Pads are for me not only sounds made by 4 voices at a time, but also what happens, if I have set a long release on the voices, move from chord A to chord B, and the released notes and the new notes create a beautiful mixed transition.
Playing on a keyboard with two hands I need 6 to 8 voices to prevent voice-stealing and to get the sound I want.
I suspected that it was too limited @SoundRider
Was just an example of a synth with many modulation sources and destinations to get the sound flowing and changing. Its Morphee is a great macro-tool to change many parameters manually and with expression. With this we can make breath even simple soundpatches.
Maybe that the Modwave and its chaos pad can do something, which compares to it?
Expressive E Touché compares to it, and it certainly was the source of inspiration for Arturia.