Polyend Tracker

i assume from being bored to death. :joy:

Excitement lag.

This thing should be awesome, but the polymer sequencer doesn’t lend itself to amazement from what I saw.

Watching this end of Poly space.

Do you mean polyend sequencer, like in reference to the seq? I can’t imagine it would be like that at this size, that would be hell. I suppose the zoia has tons of tiny buttons and people don’t mind though

I’m imagining it will be the standard Polyend button size but will have pages like Elektron sequencers. Or that scroll around sort of function from Monome and the APC controllers back in the day.

Maybe this IS a collab with Monome. The whole vibe of the demos looks a lot of some of the demos Brian has been doing for various Monome products over the years.


Polyend said they would announce more info in March. This damn Leap Day is ruining things.


It’s March in half the planet :grin:

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Been March here for hours. If I’d been millenial or Gen Z, I’d be offended now because of no reveal. I’m Gen X, tho, so I’m too old to even remember what we’re talking about.


:joy: hopefully they don’t drip feed us and tear the band aid straight off.

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it’s officially March all the way out here on the West Coast now, so you can tell us. Please.

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Yeah, leap day and sunday might be the cause. I hope they don’t plan to give more details sometime in March, it just says March 2020. Come on Polyend, relieve us :crazy_face: !

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still nothin’ ? I’m goin back to bed.

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Ugh I was hoping for something today, too. Just put my Octatrack up for sale.

As a millennial I am offended that I will probably not be able to afford this


Same. Though word on Reddit is it’s supposed to be more affordable than their other stuff. We’ll see.

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I said that about 20 posts ago too :smile:

They’ve said as much directly, so you can take that as fact


Let’s goooooooo!


This is awesome. I love using Renoise and was attracted to Elektron gear because it was the closest thing to a hardware tracker. I’m so excited about this project.

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