Polyend Tracker

Headroom hasn’t been an issue for me. Like any other device with multiple gain stages, you will need to maintain control.

As far as I’ve seen, spreading a chord across tracks is pretty much automatic by default.

The filters are… ‘serviceable’. They do the job, but they aren’t a character-defining feature.

I’ve only used it to make complete tracks, that what I like about it - the enforced limitations give me a creative jolt.


I have finished more songs on it than with all my gear combined. It’s just been a very inspiring machine. The headroom or lack of headroom hasn’t bothered me. If anything, it’s made me strip away any unnecessary tracks or sounds and focus on doing more with less.


I just want to say, I’ve seen people do awesome stuff with the tracker. For me, I wanted the tracker to be slaved to another sequencer, and each of the patterns to be trigger able from other sequencers. (I wanted to use it as a glorified breaks/sampler drum machine that could be controller externally by the Cirklon in song mode). Other wise, I think if you ware going to use the tracker as your main brain and you are comfortable with the tracker workflow, this thing is dope af. and the fact that you can alway just take what you’ve worked on and import it into a DAW and finish your work there is also really nice.

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Man, I took mine out or my setup again today. It froze while doing a render to sample, and I just snapped and unplugged it and put on the shelf. Anyone still having issues with the render?

Also, has anyone noticed how the reverb sends don’t work sometimes? It’s like the signal isn’t making it to the reverb, as if you turned the aux send off on a mixer.

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i was just thinking today about how a new stability update/beta would be veryyy welcome, and to my surprise a new one has just dropped today!

some very promising bug fixes on here, specially the Roll FX one, will test it out right now!


yoo they seem to have fixed the roll fx bug :sob::heartpulse:i can finally use volume up rolls without being scared of destroying my ears!

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Looks like your lucky day.

“Render Selection” was sometimes inconsistent


Glad the headroom doesn’t seem to be a big issue. I’ve known many of your works to be distorted, gritty and pushed pretty hard @Fin25 , so if you’re not having issue , I’m not worried in the least bit.

@Scot_Solida I like the “forced limitations” approach to the Polyend Trackers design. I’m trying to get away from too many choices, which I feel can stifle the creative process. It’s inspiring to see the Tracker is helping people complete more of their songs. Also can’t wait to download your Moog Model 10 Sample Pack and try it out.

@joeyfivecents so many users finishing tracks on this thing, is really drawing me into it. It also seems it guided you to make tracks yourself, you wouldn’t normally do. Glad you’re enjoying it and the music you’re putting together with it is phenomenal!

@nilsec maybe a firmware update down the road will get you there Cass, I guess don’t hold your breath though since it’s already been out for so long


I’m surprised that defaulting the browser preview to loop extremely short (single cycle) samples hadn’t yet been suggested (or at least I couldn’t find it in my search):

This would make it far easier to browse collections of single cycle waveforms.


About the song mode, I use it to more and more to flesh out a track when I have a few patterns rolling that I like. When to make a build up? In song mode, just go to an empty pattern, copy the tracks that you want from the pattern where everything is banging, done. After you can go to the new pattern and finish to tweak it.
Also, the song mode can interact with the Perform mode since 1.4 so you could really do a full track in song mode and begin to mess around with in Perform mode either letting the song going or deciding to loop a part to have fun before going to the next.

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If you like Bananas check the cyber week deals from Thomann.

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wrote this ambient techno 2-tracker ep with the PT, the sample sources for pads was a couple of stuck vinyl grooves off some ambient "7, drums are yamaha psr75 drum bank + miami 808 clone, bass was sampled from Korg Minilogue & TE PO32

basically 2-4 patterns in loop, both tracks jammed and recorded live

p.s. one of the most f*** up things is clicky performance in “performance mode” when you mute/unmute channels (i had to fix the clicks in post via izotope), so no suitable for live performances, when adressed to devs their answer was f*** hilarious - “First of all, distortion and clicks in the Performance mode could be a result of very loud samples. Please try to lower down the sample volume in the Instrument Parameters menu.”


The clicks issue in performance mode sounds a bit concerning. And I was really getting excited to use that feature specifically and hate investing extra time to fix volume spikes in post. Will listen to the album when I get a chance!

I mean, that’s accurate though, right? Seems like good advice. Or am I missing something?


i use performance mode often and have not experienced this behavior.
maybe my samples are too quiet? :thinking:


I’m not getting this, and my samples are pretty loud.

Out of interest, is your delay send clipping?

I’ve noticed that if I overload the delay and/or don’t keep it’s level under control on the master, it gets a bit crackly and poppy, and not in a fun way.

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Any good tutorials out there on midisequencing external machines? thanks

You should look here:

and probably in this thread, somewhere above…


is everyone essentially dropping the volume of everything -6db to -12db, then boosting back up in a mixer?


Kind of ? It’s usually enough to drop every fader of the tracker’s mixer about -4db and then raise the master volume