Polyend Tracker

There’s an effect EQ you can apply destructively to a sample

i have been referring to the EQ in the sample editor. kinda funny that its missed by some users, its a testament to its lack of use.


No comments here for quite a while so I assume no big firmware update yet
Did I miss a planned release date ?

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Orders of the Mini are due to ship 12-July (I think) so I’m guessing the firmware release for it’s big brother will coincide with that.

says two months yesterday on backstage, says its “pretty big”


I’ve been confused by the EQ complaints, as well. Both the master EQ and the destructive sample EQ have worked for as long as I can remember.

I’ve never found the destructive sample EQ that useful, for lack of configurability, but this “no audible effect” meme has been repeated a few times here and on the Polyend forum and had me questioning if my own ears were deceiving me. Is it really possible I’ve been placebo EQ’ing samples all this time?

It is not.

Loaded up a saw wave sample, captured the un-eq’d frequency response on Logic’s Channel EQ analyzer.

Then applied a 12db boost on the Tracker’s sample EQ effect around 120Hz and 2000Hz.

This has a very obvious effect on the sound of the saw wave…it is clearly more nasal with a low end boost, kind of a quasi-formant sound.

As an A/B with a standard industry tool, we can also apply the same 12db boosts at the same frequencies using Logic’s channel EQ. I’ve had to guess at the Q-factors, but they sounded pretty narrow to me so I’ve gone with 4.00 for the low and mid/high boost.

As you can see in the frequency analysis curve, the boost from the Tracker’s EQ effect is quite similar in response to the Logic Pro EQ (perhaps it is slightly more drastic in the low end, though again, I’m guessing at the Q).

Mostly I’m relieved my ears still work :sweat_smile:

No EQ | Tracker Sample EQ | Logic Pro EQ


weird that it is so incredibly narrow, understandable that the changes i made were unnoticeable. thanks for doing the test.


Will Milkytracker give me a good flavour of the tracker workflow ? It seems to be most often mentioned in connection with chiptune, which is not my thing, I’m likely to use samples and SCWFs.

Or is it so ancient and limited it will likely put me (with my biases, above) off trackers for life :wink:

EDIT: Oops, should have finished my searching first … maybe bassoontracker will tell what I need to know.

Milkytracker ist straight Samplebased…in top there are “Generators” for saw, Pulse etc. But it’s far away from a synthengine.

Ancient, yes. Limited, yes.


Has anyone here been beta testing 1.7 at all?
I’m mostly curious about the “clicks and jitter” issues apparently being addressed with this update…
Thanks in advance.

nope. mines just sitting there in the case, waiting…

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Is Beta available?

some dude on backstage was offering to send me the beta but he was kinda weird so i declined, not weird in a scammer way, he was just kinda odd, i also sold my tracker. but it seems there is a private beta group.

Anyone interested in joining the Beta program and help testing new bugfixes and features can apply. For instructions, check the announcements category on Polyend’s backstage.

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i haven’t signed up to beta test, but i’m guessing they’re testing for the next version.
in April Polyend said 1.7 would be available in “a few months”, so i hope theyre moving along with this…

haven’t been using recently since I got a M8, should probably sell it

anyone got some good reasons to help me justify keeping it alongside the m8? :wink:

no :joy:


The M8 is more powerful and has more features so I guess it’s a question of if you enjoy the interface and screen.


… including that the screen lets you see ‘trigs’ from all tracks side-by-side

Don’t own either device right now but that will be a factor in the choice I make when I move on from what I’m currently using.