Pattern Copy / Paste while sequencer is running

woah sorry - confused - as far as I am aware the original OP request is not possible - atleast I cannot get it to work in any other way than how @mzero originally described - would be very handy if it did work.

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The process is in the current manual for the Digitone, not sure about Digitakt though. I’m pretty sure it has been mentioned that it works.


It works for sure on both Digi machines.

The thing people miss (not sure it’s in the manual) is that there is a countdown for the paste operation into the new pattern slot. You gotta hold the keys and watch the screen countdown animation to successfully paste otherwise it aborts and can either:

A) do nothing
B) stop the sequencer
C) switch to empty pattern

Depending on where your fingers are when the countdown aborts.

But it DEFINITELY works and it’s awesome and easy once you figure out the countdown thing.

Edit: so the manual says “press and HOLD stop” - thats the critical part - as you hold you will see the paste countdown - let it complete and your good to go.


@eangman the manual needs to clearly specify the paste “countdown” and animation if it hasn’t already been updated. I’m using old manual so haven’t checked - keep up the good work, you’re a hero with an important job - ask for a pay rise.

Edit: seems like it’s still not clear @eangman

The countdown animation is key to this working properly


+1 it works

Also note that the copy paste doesn’t have to be from the active track - there’s a lot of cool functionality wrapped up here.


That’s really good news!!! I am very very happy that this is working. Copying patterns of your choice to other patterns slots really enhances the workflow in my live environment!

Interesting thing is that Digitakt and Digitone have more funcionality in this point than the Octatrack.

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Octatrack is about 8 years old though

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Octatrack MKII has came out not even one year ago. I am usually not complaining about such things and I am really happy about the functionality of the newer devices. However it would be a pitty if such simple functions with a huge impact and advantage regarding the workflow would not be implemented on the larger Elektron machines.

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So, yes: YAY we now have the feature: I can copy the current playing pattern (or any, really) and paste it into another pattern, while the current one plays with skipping a beat.

BUT, @eangman, for a feature designed to work while playing… Why is there this blasted count down?

Oh, B section’s coming up… Lemme make a copy… Waiting… Ugh two measures at this tempo… Aaaaaand missed the B section’s start! :lemon::notes::unamused:


The OT mkii isn’t really an upgrade. It the same machine with a few extra buttons and louder input/outputs. If it was an actual upgrade of the OT I would expect some of the newer feature from recent boxes to be there. Getting totally off topic at this point though.


BIG thanks for clarifying this for everyone - it’s kinda non intuitive to ‘hold’ and wait for this countdown procedure at first but it works and once you know how - well that’s all that matters!


I had a look at things here and I need to mention the count down in the manual indeed.
The reason for the count down is so that you have a chance to change your mind in case you notice that you are in the process to paste to the wrong location. This behavior is inherited from the AR and AF. But, as mentioned above, there is actually a bug here. If you dont go through with the paste and abort before the count down ended, the machine will go from its current pattern to the pattern you selected to paste to. This is not an optimal (to say the least) behavior. The expected behavior is instead that it should stay on the current pattern. I have now reported this bug.
Thanks all for bringing this up!


a unnecessary feardriven decission in my book.
who would press this button combo accidentally ?
think logic :wink:

i mean, press ptrn + trig is one, BUT you would have then to press stop to complete your wrong operation ? ( in case you were holding the wrong trig buttons )
As i see it , everybody should and will be able to think upfront what they are doing…( pressing the right trig keys/ptrn source + destination )
its not like “re-load” pattern by accident which indeed can happen ( refering here mainly to OT.
i killed ALOTS of my work in the OT this way for example )

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< rant >
This curiously omitted feature is such a vibe killer. It has been discussed ad nauseam about the other boxes on the euro forum and this one. Ambitious users even developed a recording buffer-juggling crossfade workaround on the OT which works but is asininely convoluted and twiddly. $200 Electribes from nearly 2 decades ago can do it, and countless other budget grooveboxes.
< /rant >

< solution >
If FUNC + PTN + STOP would just trigger a pattern selection prompt (blink the pads or something), allowing to duplicate the copied pattern to a new location - during playback - we would be done.
< /solution >

All elektron boxes should have had this feature from day 1.

I think you a little late to the game. The feature has already been implemented in the dt.

Dude it’s been implemented, no need for any < rant >s

Hold PTN + [PATTERN 1] + (COPY) - the screen should say pattern copied - then hold PTN + [PATTERN 2] + (PASTE) until the little four box countdown finishes. Done, pattern copied while still playing through the first one. Note you will have to select the second pattern in order to switch to it, it won’t go automatically after pasting. I tried to explain that clearly but if your having trouble shoot me a message.

*Edit - I messed up a little, its corrected now though


Okay it works fine. Is that possible to copy paste the sample package (kit maybe?) with the same pattern?

Good grief. That’s awesome. Pardon my catatonic dyslexia.