Pattern change digitone and a4 from octatrack

Working with octatrack and digitone and digitakt through the midi through on the digitone for that matter.

All patterns set to the same length for them to change at the same time. So A1 could be 16 - A2 might be 32 etc. - as long as they all match up in length or I actually think if the slave is set to less than the octatrack then it will also change on time. You just can’t have a longer pattern on the slave machine.

So you could have a pattern of 64 on the octatrack with patterns of 64 or less on the slave and it will still change on time.

Octatrack is set to channel 11 for program change send. The digitone and digitakt are set to auto channel 11 with program change set to auto channel

Set program change per pattern inside the octatrack. Double tap SRC to set the program change. (Same window you’d pick the midi channel for each track.)

So A1 would have a program change of 0
A2 would be set to 1
A3 would be set to 2

This is of course if you want them all to change with the same patterns. You could set the program change to any number for any pattern on the digitakt or digitone.


thanks for your explanation, i will try if that works for me too. still quite a bummer if individual track lenghts messes things up… what are those machines without them?

I’d say if that is your issue then sequence the digitone with your octatrack sequencer.

why should that make a difference?

Because then you’d just be triggering the sounds from the digitone and not relying on the pattern to change. This way you can use different lengths on your tracks. Yes you’ll be using midi tracks on the octatrack but it will work how you want if you’re wanting poly rhythm type patterns per track

I´m using the Octatrack and Digitone that way. The DN receives notes from OT and I change patterns on the OT to send different notes and on the DN to change the sounds.

dont know. then i cant use parameter and sound locking. for me that doesnt make sense. with an midi synth ok

I don´t see any reason why parameter and sound locking won´t work this way. Notes coming from Octatrack and sound parameters within Digitone´s sequencer.

because parameter locking doesnt work with incoming midi notes. just with the internal sequencer

I think I did it that way this weekend, I was sequencing notes via OT and I using the Digitone´s internal sequencer for parameter locks. I´ll check it.

actually i never tried that with the digitone, but with a4 it doesnt work. would be surprised it it would suddenly work with digitone, but its elektron so you never know.
let me know!

From my experience with Dark Trinity (OT, AR, A4) the master scales all have to be the same. I often use 1/2 scale to get 8 bar sections but if I forget to set all machines to that 1/2 scale then the dreaded sync issue happens.

I wish Elektron would fix this but it’s been an issue for years. Don’t hold your breath.

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I had this exact issue a week or so ago. The good news is that I got it working eventually, though it doesnt really make sense why. Basically, try every variable.

tried every variable. dozens of times. the only thing what helpes is keeping all tracks on all machines on the same time lenght. master lenght didnt matter, any abberation from this led to instability .
i didnt even try with 1/2 scale

I’m pretty sure it works with the AK, too!

curious about this; Presumably you need to use Lock Trigs?

I’m literally getting a Digitone delivered in the next few hours. I’ll eventually test it out

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From the manual:

“to add a lock trig press FUNC and TRIG. You can add lock trigs to any sequencer step including ones that contain note trigs”

I wasn’t asking how it was done, just confirming that was what you were doing? It hadn’t occurred to me that it might be possible if you’re externally sequencing, that’s all

I´ll confirm when I check it.